
Shopping With A Rabid Teenager...

Me: Hope, we need to buy you are winter coat.

Hope: I don't want a coat. I'll never wear it.

Me: Uhhhh, we live in Nebraska. It will be 1000 below zero in 2 weeks.

Hope: I don't care.

Me: How about this one?

Hope: Are you trying to kill my social life?

Me: OK... this one?

Hope: It looks like road kill on a hanger.

Me: I wish you had better fashion sense...

Hope: I wish you had only one child.

Me: How about this one?

Hope: Mother! Gross! You don't know fashion.

Me: Excuse me? I do too know fashion. Look at me! I am a fashionista!

Hope: Yeah... a fashionista that drives a minivan.

Me: Oh, I like this one. It is cute.

Hope: No. Absolutely not.

Me: Hope, look at all the things you can do with this coat!

Hope: Can I set it on fire?

Me: Fine... I am not buying you a winter coat. Freeze to death.

Hope: I found one! I love it!

Me: Isn't that the first one I picked out?

Hope: Whatever. You need to do your roots mom. I mean... seriously.


  1. My children's teenage years are the only things I am PATIENTLY waiting for. Very patiently. Actually, I am still looking for the pause button.

  2. So that's what I have to look forward to...I can't wait! She's only 8 and already doesn't like what I pick out when we are shopping. We have different taste...she likes bling-bling like her grandmother AND I like the more natural subtle look.

  3. I feel your pain! Let me tell you, teenage boys are no better than teenage girls. It's just much harder to find cool, hip, teen boy's clothes. Our shopping trips go much the same as yours with Faith. Oh the joys of teenagers!

  4. I meant Hope. I'm losing it! Must be the teenagers driving me insane! ;)

  5. I have to confess - that was me 30 years ago (the daughter, not the mom). I can't believe I was the only one who was an impossible BRAT at that age. Selective memory anyone? This is called payback and your parents are enjoying it, just a little.

  6. OH MAN...(me stifling laughter)...I feel for you.
    OH MAN...(me cringing)...I am not looking forward to this part...

  7. Teenagers are so warm and cuddly, aren't they? I learned to just stand there with my credit card and let her do the work. I didn't bother showing disapproval of something because I knew the chances were good that it wouldn't fit or she wouldn't like it. I also didn't get too excited about something I did like---I didn't want to jinx it!

    Fortunately, she's now in college and mostly does her shopping without me!

  8. This reminds me of a Kath and Kim conversation. I don't know if you could possibly have the time to watch tv, but this show is funny in a stupid kind of way.
    Funny post. Great laugh for my morning.

  9. My daughter is coming up fast on 13...so this conversation could have happened at my house.
    I figure that we all have to see the humor in it or we'll wind up killing somebody.

  10. lol- sounded like picking out a coat for my Gianna (14) this year. And we were on the American Eagle website for pete's sake, I think THEY know fashion f
    3or teens. Eventually she picked the coat I first picked (the navy plaid parka with fake fur trim). And Brielle(11) got herself that super cute yellow pea coat- now THAT girl knows how to shop. And that diversion tactic -get it all the time. :)

  11. I'm thinking that the U-Kids can just go shopping with the U-Dad when they hit adolescence. He can do no wrong in their eyes. And if he's too busy? Looks like they'll freeze! Husband deployed AND you have to shop with the teen daughter? You deserve to be nominated for sainthood.

  12. ahhhh haaaaa! That's funny :)

  13. Wow, teenage girls are a piece of work, and your even a "cool mom". My kids are screwed!

    I have a complement for you from my husband. He comes home and says, " I have a complement for you through me. Someone at work said I always smell so fresh like detergent." Of course when he started talking I thought to myself, 'oh maybe someone thinks what a hot wife you have or your kids are so well behaved 'or on and on. Needless to say I was a little disappointed at the compliment but then I started thinking, who is this someone and who is getting close enough to my husband to smell his laundered shirts??? LOL. Thanks for the tip on getting that fresh smell I have always wanted. :)

  14. Oh my gosh I just found your blog today and it is hysterical! Love it.

  15. I just love to hear about June's motherhood experiences.
    And June, you are way cooler than I ever was. Hope just doesn't know it yet! Hee hee!
    Aunt Barbara

  16. I was just bemoaning the fact that I have two boys (well, I will have TWO in eight weeks). I mean, I want to buy pink tutus and stuff.

    But this post? Made me feel so much better.

  17. Ha. I am laughing so hard right now!

  18. I just had to say I just stumbled onto your blog and you had me laughing at the blog title. LOL! Don't tell me all teenage girls are like that? (I am denying I was ever like that. HAHA!) Too funny! I am now a follower! (or stalker take your pick ;)

  19. For my teen, all it has to be is North Face. Then they will wear it, until that is, they lose it, or it gets stolen, which ever comes first.

  20. Just found your blog via the Sandbox. Good thing David Stanford is doing my sniffing out new blogs for me...

    I'll be back to check up on your adventures.

    Ohh, hang in there on the clothes shopping. It only gets better with age. Mine are all grown up now, but Nothing says lovin better than a gift card!

  21. ugh...my oldest is 11 and I am beginning to have these sorts of dialogues myself. sigh...what I wouln'dt give for a fast forward button...well-- sometimes. Hope your hubs deployment is going alright. Using that Yahoo call chat? can't beat free calls overseas...~ hope

  22. Nice. LOL

    Little something for ya over at my place.
