

You know, I had all kinds of things I wanted to say on this blog about tonight... but then I thought, Wait! What if one day my husband and I are heading to some sort of election and we are criticised because we have a conservative voice... never mind if the liberal voice is so much louder than mine.

So, instead I am going to say congratulations Senator Obama. Good Luck and Gods speed.

Now... who are we thinking of for 2012? I need to make a few phone calls. We need to get to work.


  1. I am with you Girl!
    I sooo wanted to say something. Lots of somethings.
    In the end, I just said the basic and sent all the somethings in an email to my fellow victims.
    I agree with your other visitors ~ Palin in 2012.

  2. I am so scared of the next four years. We have one more "hot" election topic here in California that we are waiting on results for, so I am still praying. I think June Cleaver for 2012! ;)

  3. Thank you. Your blog has been that smart, funny voice saying the things I've been thinking in these days leading up to the election.

    I look at my 2-month-old son and wonder what kind of world he will live in four years from now. Our nation has chosen slick presentation and rhetoric over solidity, dependability and courage.

    Thank you for breaking me out of my selfish misery and giving me something new to think about: 2012.

    Let's roll up our sleeves and get it done.

  4. Love your attitude. I myself, am heartbroken.
    Going to try to look to the future and hope for the best.

  5. Oooh, and let's make sure that our military men and women ACTUALLY get their votes counted next time.

    And maybe not so much of this early voting nonsense.

    And I am glad that this election has seen the death knell of "public financing". I mean, Obama spent $500 million and McCain spent $81.

    And let's hold the press accountable and use the independent media as long as we are able to.

    And I agree with the rest of your visitors, we ain't seen the last of Palin!

  6. I feel sick...utterly disappointed and sad. Yes, I should take the high road and be congratulatory for Obama, but I can't...I just can't. I don't understand how with all the controversy associated with him and his fellow personal acquaintances how people can just choose they way did. I am your anoynmous commentor whose husband was gone for a year in Iraq...I am very concerned that the progress our soldiers made in Iraq will now be all for nothing. How is that a country, a whole world, can view situations so differently? I am just rambling, so I will sign off...but I admire your ability to convey good will...I can't right now..I feel like my vote didn't count.

  7. "Jindal/Palin or Palin/Jindal!

    What the Diva Mom said. I'm hearing this elsewhere in the blogosphere. Look for a draft movement in the next year.

  8. When is someone going to say "April Fools"?

  9. Thank you for being so gracious when the rest of us cannot.

    Carter brought us Reagan, so can't wait to see what happens next.

  10. Annon commentor (who I have a funny feeling you are married to someone rather important in the military since you will remain-as I do-annon.) I have the same feelings as you. I pray that Obama listens to our military leaders--let the guys who have been there and know what they are doing... actually DO their job. If he truly believes that we are the greatest nation on earth, then he will see that we cannot leave people who need us. We cannot drop and run. We cannot look at those who are weaker and say "sorry... see ya later." Because that is what will happen. If we leave we will be back to square one in a few years. Many Americans will disagree with me on this, but I will stand firm on my belief that if we leave, everything that we have been working for, all of the precious lives lost and the painful separations will have been for nothing and it will all start again in a few years down the road.

    God help our military

  11. As Don McNeal would say on his radio program, in days gone by,
    "Each in his own words, each in his own way, for a free world united in peace, let us bow our heads and pray"
    God bless America!
    No matter who our president is, he cannot do it alone. We all have to do our part to make our families strong and christian people. To make our country a strong and christian nation.
    Good will always win over evil!
    Hope is fuel for the soul!

  12. I have never commented, but so appreciate it when I find peers (smart, young moms) who are conservative. We need more bloggers like you...especially for the next four years!

  13. ugh i am just feeling so unsettled today...and why is it that all of my Dem friends, before during and after have been so LOUD?! yet i have felt the need to be quiet and tempered. i just pray for our country that he can actually live up to his rock star status and that all of those people didn't drink the KoolAid for nothing! I realize this is a wonderful, historic moment for our country...but it doesn't mean HE was the right person to make history! I'm going back to my quiet corner now lol...

  14. Kudo's to your blog and all the comments. You are holding back....Come on June...let'er rip! You always speak loud and proud. That is why I come to this blog.

    We do not need to keep silent. We need to keep fighting. There is just too much to lose.

  15. I feel like pouting, but I know that isn't productive. Part of me feels like so much of America wanted this election to go this way ... the truth will prevail.

    I still have hope.

  16. Oh Christine, I would LOVE to let it rip, but you know as well as I do that conservatives are criticized for their words much more harshly then liberals. Nope, I will take this day to regroup. Obama is going to be my husband's Commander in Chief. There is nothing I can do to change that-I worked for a different outcome, but maybe I did not work hard enough. So tomorrow I will start working again. I will start looking for a candidate that I can once again stand firmly behind and I will work for them-work for this country-work for my children-work for my husband-work for you. We all need to stop sitting by and letting others work. It is OK to be reserved... because you know as well as I do that when a person is in silent contemplation, they are just waiting for the right moment to come back. We will come back. I have hope. I encourage all of you to take a hard look at the people in politics... look at the strong ones and look at the quiet ones. Find a person you can stand behind. Find a person that you can honestly say is not "the lesser of two evils" but the one that you can be proud to help move into office.
    Tomorrow is a new day. Let's see what Obama can do. As for me, I will not take my eyes off of the prize. I will not lose hope. Will it be Bobby Jindal? Sarah Palin? Chuck Hagel? Dave Heineman? Linda Lingle? Rick Perry? John Hoeven?
    My point... don't sit by and say "Don't blame me, I voted for McCain." Have a dream. Make a plan. Contribute. Most of all... never stop loving this country!
    Bring it on! Woo-Hoo!

  17. Romney in 2012! God Bless our military! Don't give up the fight!We have 4 years to get it done. Start today!!!

  18. You go June! You said it well, don't give up hope!

    As I was telling my 12 yo this morning, this can be a good thing. Maybe if we finally see what all these ideals played out look like we will see the sin for what it is. It's all too easy when things are easy to believe that they will stay that way without effort on our parts (I'm yelling at myself here). Now it will be harder, but through struggle comes strength. I just hate we have to struggle.

  19. You might check meetup.com to see if there are any existing groups of conservatives in your area. Or set one up. Read up, study, learn to argue gracefully, make connections...

    I too feel we have been asleep at the wheel. It's a good reminder that we are just as responsible for defending our freedom as our military folks--we just have a different theater of operations!

  20. I can't remember how I found your blog, but you seem to be a pretty fun person. My prayers go out to you and your kids as your husband is away serving our country.

    I'm just wondering why there is so much sadness and despair in all of the comments from the people who commented on the election results. Please understand my comment/question as one seeking to understand.


  21. Jindal/Palin

    Let's never settle for a RINO again!

    God is in charge of the whole shabang.

  22. Annon... we have "sadness" and "despair" for many reasons. Reason #1-our guy didn't win. The guy who did win does not hold the same values that we do. Obama’s politics and ideals are too far skewed on the liberal end of the political scale to strike a balance with Americans as a whole. It is a frightening thing to feel that everything we hold dear-work for-value may be at risk.
    Many people do not trust Obama. They do not like the company he has kept in the past and they may not feel that he can keep this country secure. They may not feel that he will stand on that wall and say "You have to go through me first before you get to my country."
    I personally do not agree with 99.9% of his policies. Obama is pro-abortion and pro-partial abortion. Morally, many people are in great despair because of this one fact.
    Some feel he is too dangerously naive on foreign policy.
    Many are weary of how he has managed to outspend any other person ever running for the office of President. He is GREAT at spending money! And he will continue to do that in office as well.
    What about the spread of wealth? That is enough to keep me awake at night. Personally, I do not want the government to have any control over my money. People are afraid of his Marxist and Socialist thoughts...
    So Anon... I hope I helped you to understand a little the depth of our conservative views and the sound of sadness in the above comments.
    If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We are nothing if we cannot agree to disagree peacefully.

  23. Mrs Cleaver et al:

    There are ways to channel that indignation. One way is here...


    ...but there are no doubt others. I'll be writing about them in the months to come. Another one is the March for Life in DC.

    Stay tuned, and stay in touch.

  24. Such a positive, upbeat set of responses. I love it! Much needed for this lonely soul..... (check out tonight's blog entry for elaboration)

    I love your blog. If life ever brings you through Chicago, I'm totally buying you an adult beverage.

  25. I just started checking out your blog and I'm enjoying it. This last picture you posted...you just look so familiar...did we have a college class together? HA! HA! Keep on writing June;)

  26. After I cried, I cried again, then some more and THEN I started thinking about 2012 and want to know who is planning what. We need a comeback.

  27. I hear you - I am ready to get work today!

  28. Jindal is looking pretty good. I can't wait for 2010 we need to get our seats back!
