
I Am Pregnant

I bet that got your attention! HA! But I really am pregnant... or maybe I am in labor, either way I am awaiting a birth.

Boy do I sound cryptic or what?

OK, so I finally started writing an actual book. Yes, a book. One that I hope will be on the shelves of Target one day with a 30% Off discount sticker attached to it.

I am staying up most nights because I have children to contend with during the day... which is one of the reasons why I have always put off writing the stories that plague my brain. No time. But this time I cannot ignore the story (which I have no idea where it is going because I thought it was going in one direction but then last night it went into a totally different direction that is going to take at least 200 pages for me to explain). It refuses to leave my brain and I find myself walking around like a zombie playing out scenes in my head. It is maddening.

I have all of my characters and I have named them all as if they just came screaming out of my body and are wrapped up in a blanket in my exhausted arms. I would give them each a birth certificate if I could.

Naming them made me wonder... I am sure others have thought about writing before. You may even have the perfect name picked out for your hero or heroine. I always thought I would use "Emily" but it didn't fit this time around so I went with something completely different.

What about you? What is the name of your hero/heroine that you dream of one day being the beacon for their story? I promise I won't steal it... unless of course it is unbearably good.


  1. I absolutely CANNOT relate to this but I am utterly fascinated!

    This post sheds some light on yesterday's post......


    Can't wait to own a copy!!

  2. I'm not good at coming up with interesting names, but I do enjoy a good read! Can't wait to get that 30% off book at Target one day! ;)

  3. Good for you for putting pen to paper, er, fingers to keyboard. I"ve always talked about writing a book and others have prodded me as well. I have little life things that are all good stories people say but not really sure how it would fit in a book.

    How in the world are you staying up so late to work???

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  4. Well, the title alone jolted me awake quicker than the coffee.

    Good luck with your exciting new endeavor. Will you be sharing any excerpts with us?

  5. Well I enjoy reading discounted books ;)

    I've always liked CATHERINE ... strong, feminine, but feisty.

  6. I've always liked Maximilian since it can be shortened to Max and both sound strong. Some friends of ours have a son named Cole and that name is pretty cool as well.

    For a heroine, I'm not sure; Danielle is pretty and can be used a couple of different ways but I just don't know.

  7. Im glad your finally able to do this, even if I can not relate. I have never wanted to write. Heck, I never wanted a blog either but now Im knee deep in my blog addiction. And I will TOTALLY buy your book....once it is on half.com and really cheap. Thats how I buy all my books :-)

  8. I was once told by a couple, while they were embracing each other, and were smiling ear to ear that they were expecting twins................twin deer.


    I couldn't have the joy for them like I should have.

    I was really into you have a baby....now it is a book. I can be excited I guess about your book....but I like the baby idea too!

    Christine....very nice name for book....oops already taken...thanks to Stephen King!

  9. Good luck on your authoring journey! I'm not too terribly creative, but I like the name Zane, for a male hero. I have no idea the origin, or meaning, but that's what I named my ferocious male kitty ;) For a female, I'm not coming up with anything too creative there, but I like the name Julia...

  10. What about Ruth, it means Friendship and is Hebrew. Or Phoebe-is Greek and means Bright, Shining. Another Haroine name could be Louisa- English and means Famous Warrior.For a hero I would do Allan it's English and means Little Rock. Just giving you some of my favorites.


  11. I could talk about writing all day long. All. Day. Especially writing books, and especially writing books while you also have a blog. I don't write fiction so I don't have any good character names, but I can't wait to hear how it goes.

    Also, you should check out literary agent Rachelle Gardner's blog if you haven't already. She has some awesome tips for writing/getting published over there.

  12. When I was a kid, my made up name was always Regina, because it meant "the queen" and I wanted to be one. Then I needed a nom de plum at one point and picked Judith because she was the cool girl in the Bible who went out to defeat an army armed only with her best dress and cutest purse and saved her people.

    That's about it though for make-believe people. I'm pretty good at naming the real ones though.

  13. June,
    First of all I too want to say thank you for all you are doing for our country. I know that Carl believes that you are the real hero of the family. All our love to Carl too!
    I will get a card off to him...

    Dane, I like the name!
    Katherine/Kate is a good name too!
    Happy to hear you are writing a book. That is great news!
    Aunt Barbara

  14. How exciting! Can I go ahead an place a preorder?

    When I was 12 I tried to write a book. The main charachters were Tia and Mia. They were best friends whose moms were best friends and they were dating twins. GAG!!! I didn't get very far with that one...and I don't recommend either one of those names.

    Good luck with your writing!

  15. I thought that might be the reason for your post Monday!!!!

    Very exciting - I will put your book on my Amazon wish list as soon as it's on the site. Now, don't go doing what that mean ol' Pia de Solenni did to me and not get the book published... :-p

  16. I get the sense that one of your characters will be named Matthew.

    I look forward to dressing in a costume and waiting for the midnight release of your book!

  17. Cracking up at Urban Mom's reply! :-)

  18. I used to work in the shite-filled world of small-town radio (daily obituary reports, anyone!). I used to threaten to unleash my alter-ego on the airwaves. She was a snarling Southern hell-on-heels type I named Verandah Sideporch.

  19. How exciting for you...for us!

    Names: Olivia, Dahlia and Anna

    Josh, Jeremy and Justin
    I think I'm liking the letter J?

    When you become a famous author, we can all brag that we knew about you and your talent when you were a blogger.

  20. Well, I guess it depends on the age of your character, the period, setting, and background. For instance, I love love love the name Paisley for a girl. It is Scottish and means "church". I see Paisley as a 30-something year old woman whose parents were a little off the beaten path, and living in modern day America. However, if your novel were set in England in the 1800's, I'd suggest Helen or Marian. It really just depends on what you want for your character. Good Luck!

  21. OK. So I have no name ideas for the great novel, but I do have a question: When I lose my job because I've chosen a career with no future can I be editor-in-chief of your book? :)

  22. Oh... don't think for a minute that I was not going to ship a manuscript off to you Kathleen as soon as it is done for your editing expertise. You were the first person I thought of! Just you wait...

    do I have to pay you?

  23. Are you doing the NanoWriMo? COOL and Bravo!!!!

  24. CanNOT wait for your first book siging! I'll play the weirdo stalker part perfectly.

  25. i have 3 people in my life who have published a book...one who published awhile back and has mentored me, an old high school friend who just published and has been making the tv rounds, and a new food blogger friend who has just finished up a cookbook that will be out next year. and so yes, it has crossed my mind that it is possible, and what am i waiting for?! good for you for going for it! a page a day...at least one page a day and you'll be there before you know it :)

  26. Pay me? I guess that depends on just *how much* editing you need. I might consider a discount if I get some good Cleaver kid stories out of the deal. :)
