
Everyone Out Of The Pool...

It is official... they are out to get me. All of them-the little rug rats.

It is not enough that I give my life blood to keep them on their schedules everyday.

Who cares if I am up at the crack of dawn to get lunches packed and breakfast in little tummies.

Don't mind me if I have to make sure everyone brushes their teeth and actually washes their hair in a shower every day.

Big deal if I have to pick up millions of Lego pieces on any given Wednesday afternoon only to leave the room and have them all scattered across the carpet again on Thursday.

Who am I to complain if I have 7 loads of laundry to do on Saturday morning only to discover that I have forgotten to look under the bed to find the must-have uniform top on Monday morning.

It is really nothing that I have to give hair cuts in order to fix the treachery that the hair fairy inflicted upon a baby.

And so what if I have been changing diapers for 13 years... steady!

Really, it has been NO BIG DEAL... until today

Mary pooped in the bathtub tonight after dinner. This is the third night in a row that she has done this, that means that I have scrubbed a bathtub for three nights straight. If she weren't in the warm bath she would not poop, but she gets all relaxed and lets it rip.

Emma has been in the tub with her each evening that this happens. She is now so afraid to walk into the bathroom that I think she may start peeing on the bushes in the backyard.

I don't mind being a mother... really I don't, but I draw the line at fishing floating turds out of the tub every night.

I have to have some principles.


  1. You are so funny!! My 17mth old just starting doing this about 1 month ago.. I have 5 kids and none of the others did it. The joys of being a mom!!!

  2. Well, my 22 month old, Maggie has yet to do this. Ithink we may have avoided it. But I feel the day you are having. I have them all too often and I only have 1 child! Hope tomorrow is better:)

  3. This is why I come back to your blog. You are real. Also real funny. There are plenty of mothers that can relate to this post. Including me.

    3 in a row! Really!???!!

  4. HEE HEE ... BTDT!

    Poor Emma for having to bathe with her baby sister;)
    My 6 year old can safely bathe with her 3 year old sis, but it took some time.

  5. You scrub the tub afterwards? I would just scoop it out and give the tub a good rinse. Ummm...don't tell my in-laws that, ok?

  6. I just posted about this very same thing 2 week ago...These are the Good Old Days! My girls are hesitant to take baths, even without the little sister. "There has been poop in the tub," They shriek!

  7. You prove my point AGAIN about kid stories. Prospect for kids: Zilch. Furry animals: Allergic. Maybe I'll get a fish and hope it's really, really entertaining. :)

  8. Oh, Cris! I feel your pain, and yet I can't stop laughing. But I'm laughing WITH you, my friend, not AT you, although I'm sure this is no laughing matter for you. What great blog fodder though, right? See? There's your bright side! You're entertaining the rest of us with your mommy woes.

  9. I'm soooo glad my wife does bath-time with our kids.

    check out my post today on all the loot I got for my birthday, in particular the custome made pillow

  10. Hah! My two year old son does this nearly every time when we are at my parents' home when my mom is giving him a bath.

    It could be that baths here at home are perfunctory and baths at Gramma's are long involved affairs.

    Poor you!

  11. OK, you may not believe this, but I've been told that if a baby poops in the tub, it's a sign they are ready to poop on the potty before the bath. Two of my friends swear it works, I've never tried it yet :-)

  12. I am soooo with you. Hang in there. There's a special place in heaven for moms.

  13. I feel your pain. I haven't been fishing, just changing the top bunk for several days in a row because the inhabitant insists on sneaking large glasses of water at night and then, well, you know. Not that he'll admit it before going off to school. I have to find out when I make his bed.

    He may find a thimble of water at his place at dinner tonight...if he's lucky.

  14. Note to Kathleen's World: Fish poop in their water ALL THE TIME! Entertaining enough for you?


    June's MA

  15. G.I. Joe swimmin' in the water..... and then a big brown shark came!!!
    - Eddie Murphy

  16. Looks like you're gonna have to invest in a Pooper Scooper!

  17. ...Again, I laugh uncontrollably at your post. The joys of motherhood!

  18. My youngest son used to go this too! It was disgusting! His brother still brings it up to this day. Apparently he's still tramatized by the floating turds 10years later! More money in the therapy jar!

  19. surgical gloves. It is the only way to go.

  20. I think I've got a story that may even be more gross than yours. When my twin sons were a little over 13 months and I was three pregnant with my sixth child, I decided to give them a bath. Well, sure enough, one of them pooped in the tub! I got them both out immediately and while diapering one little boy, the other, standing above his brothers' head, peed all over him. I finally cleaned them both up and put them in front of Thomas the Tank engine so I could clean up the tub. When I got in there and started to clean, I threw up everywhere!!!! Now, not only did I have to contend with the poop, but I also had to clean up my own puke!

  21. Holy Crap and Puke Batman! You win Annon... I will never complain about floaters in the tub ever again.

    I think we should all give you a standing ovation for that story.

    Wow... seriously, WOW!

  22. Maybe God will call me and my beloved to adopt already-potty-trained kids... :-p

    Sigh. And here I popped eight bows at my shower...I wish I'd read this earlier... ;-)

  23. Girl! I hear ya. My post today is about the same darn thing! Seriously, I am thinking of just putting him in little swimmers during bath time. It sucks!

  24. Love it! I (very wisely) put my husband in charge of baths and he deals with the floaters here.
