
Speaking OF High School Loves...

Has anyone seen the new television program "My Own Worst Enemy" with Christian Slater? If you have not... go to hulu.com right now and watch the first two episodes to catch yourself up. You won't be sorry.

When I was in high school I had a huge crush on Christian Slater. I saw him in movies like "Heathers," "Pump up the Volume," "Untamed Heart," and my personal favorite "Bed of Roses."

I liked his voice, I liked the way his one eyebrow would lift when he spoke, I liked the way he was a rebel, and I liked the way he was a high school dropout (hey, I can't help it... there was something about bad boys that sent me over the edge and my mother straight to our Parish Priest for advice.)

Now Christian is back with this new television drama, and he is a middle aged man. Now, some of you may know that middle aged men make me weak in the knees. My husband is a middle aged man and that just turns me on. I don't know why... it could be because I am a middle aged (well, ALMOST a middle aged) woman.

The great thing about this show is that Christian plays a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of character. On one side you have the family man who is a good father and faithful husband, and on the other side you have a bad ass that is out to rid the world of all things evil. Basically he is the epitome of what every woman wants... a solid man who has a hero streak in him.

You know... come to think of it, this TV show sounds a lot like my husband's life. I will be sure to watch the mailbox for our royalty check from NBC. They couldn't have found a better middle aged man to portray him-I'll have to remember to thank them.
Oh, and one last thing... Matthew McConaughey if you are reading this (which I am sure you check my blog-don't act like you don't) I want to ensure you that in no way are my affections turning from you and focusing on Mr. Slater. Although, I cannot guarantee anything if he starts walking around with his shirt off and takes up bongo playing.


  1. I have those shows recorded on my DVR, apparently I need to catch up. Sorry June but I think Christian might be hotter than Matthew. ;-)

  2. I wonder if Matthew googles himself and June's blog pops up? Hmm...something to ponder.

  3. It has nothing to do with being middle-aged(ish) I'm 23 and Christian Slater is FREAKIN GORGEOUS!!!!!!

  4. I'm a 43 yo heterosexual father of 11 and both of them (and Brad Pitt) would be on my man-crush list....um, if I had such a list that is

  5. Maybe but his best role ever was as Will Scarlett in Robin Hood Men In Tights! Oh the work he did with his knives in that movie. The way he showed his anger while still adoring Robin Hood!
    Okay, I actually have never particularly cared for Christian as an actor nor liked any of the characters that he has played. It might be refreshing to see him in a role where I can believe in him. I don't know, there's just something untrustable about him. But that's just me...

  6. Christian Slater is awesome. You didn't mention one of his movies that happens to be one of my most favorite movies: Kuffs!

    We'll have to check out his new TV show. Thanks for the tip.

  7. That man does look good ... hardly has changed (a little more built which is nice).

    He does have a great voice and that is really important ;)

    I saw an episode this past weekend ... not sure that is when it is actually on or if they were repeating it. I would like to find one good show that me and the mr. could watch together.

  8. I gotta tell you , some of those teen hearthrobs actually got betterlooking after their days of competing with chipmunks for the cuteness factor. Christian Slater is one. Though I HATE his politics, I was surprised this weekend when I realized just how easy on the eyes Leonardo DiCaprio turned out. Hmmmmm

  9. OK, Christian Slater's very good-looking. But only when he's acting.

    Sorry, but I have to second Stupid Fat Hobbit here - the guy's got issues. Anyone remember when he bit some guy on the stomach? And what else has he been arrested for?

    The quirky eyebrow thing is darned appealing though...and that line in Heathers in the cafeteria..."They seem to have an open-door policy for ***holes, though..." :-)

    Remember The Legend of Billie Jean? :-)

    OK. I'm getting away from my original point. I think the guy's unstable. His characters are hot. He's not. So there. :-p

  10. Oh, and June - I thought of you when I saw this: http://milehimama.blogspot.com/2008/10/family-closet-works-for-me-wednesday.html

    It might help with the Evil Dressers issue? :-)

  11. STOP STOP STOP!!!! Stop telling me about all the weird things that Christian Slater does!!!! Please let me just put him in the eye candy category of my brain. If I start thinking of him as a wacko I won't like him!
    Please... just let me have this! For the love of God people! Let me have this!

  12. I think he has now growm up and out of all that. He's sober and not getting arrested anymore. Oh yes, I remember the Legend of Billie Jean!

  13. But June, you still love Matthew McConaughey, and you KNOW what a wacko he is!!!!

  14. June, I just found you and have fallen in love...ok, hypothetically speaking. You can make me laugh because so much of what you say is what I would say-only you are funnier! Thanx for making me laugh at myself...and Matthew is definitely hotter than Christian.
