
Rubbing Elbows...

Aaron and I went to a Sarah Palin rally today... I'll tell you all about it tomorrow after I calm down from the excitement of MEETING my new best friend! Woo-Hoo!


  1. TOTALLY COOL! And can I say that you look great ... very skinny girl!

  2. OMG, you are soooo lucky! Come by and check out my "Funky" post. The political candidate that U-Dad & I like who was discussed at the friend's dinner? Sarah Palin! Definitely looking forward to pictures! Hey, did I mention that you are sooooo lucky??

  3. Will you still speak to me if I say I'm going to Obama's rally on Wednesday?? Oh -- by the way, a few more silly pics coming your way soon ...

  4. Kathleen... aka "Sunny"

    Of course I will speak to you if you go to the other guy's rally. I'll send you a McCain-Palin button to wear. :)

  5. It's so refreshing that there is finally a blog that I read that is NOT slamming Sarah Palin - thank you!

  6. I'm jealous!! I should have driven down from Sioux Falls to see her. Glad you were able to go show your support. Palin is the real deal.

  7. Oh how fun! I was able to go to one last month. V. exciting! I have gotten so frustrated with everyone picking on her for random things, so I blogged about it. Very cathartic!

  8. I was absolutely devastated when I found out she was in Omaha yesterday. I had been trying to find out when she would be close to here. But, I never found anything. I seriously cried a little. I really really wanted my kids to get to meet her since she will be our friend in the White House:(

  9. So. Jealous.

    A reminder to everyone to keep Sarah and her family in your prayers. What the liberal press is doing to the Palin family is evil. Pure evil.

  10. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person in blog land who likes Palin. I love her spirit and her values. We need more Palins out there.

  11. That's awesome. I'm hoping they spend a little time in Virginia because the numbers are not looking so good here anymore. I'll take the kids if I can. Did you just hear about it or did you register with the campaign site? Just wondering...

  12. That is awesome! And I would like to add that you look very thin! Is WeightStarvers doing this to you? Perhaps I should join?

  13. So are you prancing around in a thong yet? You look great! And I am so jealous. What an amazing and historic event to be present for. See, conservatives CAN have a sense of humor;)
