
An Open Letter To All Restaurants In Omaha...

Dear beloved restaurants in Omaha,

I regret to inform you that my family will no longer be able to dine at your establishments. It is not an economy thing... it is a 18 month old toddler thing. You see, for 18 months now my family has been able to happily partake in your yummy meals. We have been able to order appetizers and even desserts at your lovely chow halls. We have thoroughly enjoyed our leisurely lunches, or our celebratory dinners, and even our "not yet showered" early morning breakfasts, but last night something happened to make me realize that we have to take a break from our relationship with you. It is nothing that you did-you have been wonderful. It is just something that we have to work out.

You see, the 18 month old in our family has gone from adorably cute to holy terror in the span of a week. When we go out to eat, I can no longer guarantee that my toddler will not climb on tables, scream at the top of her lungs, throw all of her food on the floor-or at the nice family sitting next to us, or have a tantrum that would make the Supernanny throw in the towel.

So you are going to have to readjust your books. Figure out another way to pay your heating bill next month because the Cleaver family will no longer be a hearty contributor to your finances.

I hope we can remain friends and who knows... maybe with time we can start a relationship again. Right now I have to say good-bye though.

Believe me, this hurts me more then it hurts you. You will find another family to buy your pasta dishes and your chicken nuggets. You'll bounce back from this... you'll see.

Please don't call us. Give me a chance to get over you.

I'm sorry,



  1. Tell 18 mo. old cleaver that she needs to get over it because the Barkers are coming for Thanksgiving and there are 2 restaurants that were on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives that we want to go to...

    Love you

  2. Boy, we can break our relationships with restaurants, but then there are still the poor people in church who have to put up with our restless, noisy, ornery 18 month olds. *sigh* Here's some sympathy from a fellow Nebraskan!

  3. Too funny - sorry to hear that you are going through this though!

  4. I feel your pain. I had a 2 year old during one deployment! Don't forget about Curb Side to Go. It can be a life saver! :-)

  5. LOL - OH I think it's something with the "baby" of the family. My 3year old went through this too at about the same age. Shocked the HECK outta me! The other 3 never acted like THIS! I attribute the decline of the economy to our lack of leaving the house and ignoring Targets and restaurants. Good luck to ya ;-)

  6. LOL...I was just going to mention the curb side to go. That is the only way we "eat out".

    We haven't ventured into a restaurant as a whole family in a LONG time. Forget the toddler, it's the insane six-year-old boy who belches loudly, announces the status of his bowel movements and bounces around the booth so much that his dad has to take him to the bathroom for a little "corrective interview" every 10 minutes. It's just so NOT worth it...lol.

  7. Doesn't it just make you ache to conceive another one as soon as Carl steps off the plane? :-)

  8. Oh, I so dread those days. The baby is 10 months old and already showing some signs of this, and then the next baby.....

    One day, I will eat out again. Hopefully it will be before I hit the 'seniors early bird' plan.

  9. June:
    I remember the year Dunkin Donuts almost went bankrupted (this was way back when they actually made the donuts fresh on site). It wasn't anything you kids did. It was Lent! This too will pass.
    June's MA

  10. On similar ground with the almost 22 month old. I can't wait to go out again someday... have people bring ME food. But good on ya for not being the mom who makes everyone cringe when they see you coming!

  11. Oh maaaaaannnnn...... I just saw that you won that gift card, too! Bummer!!!


  12. Restaurant? Eating out? What are these strange words you are saying? We hardly ever subject poor innocent restaurant patrons to our brood. It’s just not fair to them or the restaurant staff.

  13. Oh, I hear ya. Last summer, my 2 year old managed to spill her oj in such a way that it flew across to the next table, drenching an irate man and his blackberry.

    Poetic justice, really-- the guy was a bit of a jerk . . .

  14. Give the child a shot of whiskey before going into a diner. If that doesnt' work, try a controlled substance...or marijuna......
    Just kidding...it's a cop thing.

  15. Please click on the link below to see this important video from Eduardo Verastegui, the star of the pro-life movie Bella, and pass it to all your e-mail contacts, specially those who are planning on voting for Obama this coming elections:


    Please also pray for Eduardo, and his producer Max. Eduardo has been the only actor in Hollywood that has taken such a bold stand to defend life for the unborn.

    God Bless!


    Por favor vayan al enlace abajo y vean este importante video de Eduardo Verastegui, el protagonista de la pelicula pro-vida Bella, y pasen esta informacion a todos sus contactos por correo electronico, especialmente aquellos que planean votar por Obama en estas elecciones:


    Por favor tambien oren por Eduardo, y Max su productor. Eduardo ha sido el unico actor en Hollywood que ha tomado esta heroica postura para defender la vida de los no nacidos.

