

Imagine waking up this morning knowing that you have to prove yourself...

Imagine waking up this morning feeling the hate of the media's eyes on your every move...

Imagine waking up this morning with the news constantly badgering you, but turning a blind eye on your opponent...

Imagine waking up this morning knowing that there are people who like you and people who don't, and the ones who don't sure do have big mouths...

Imagine waking up with Americans waiting anxiously to hear from you...

Good Luck Sarah! If you don't have time to get on-line and read my blog today, that is OK. I understand.

Go for it!


  1. GIRL POWER!! Go, Sarah!

    I like her. (Can you tell?)

  2. Haha...a bunch of the rabid moms on one of my parenting groups want to ensure she wears her hair up for the debate so that she doesn't have an earpiece telling her what to say.

    The people that don't like her sure ARE loud, aren't they?

  3. I've been praying for Sarah all week, that the right words just roll off her tongue. I think she will be great, no matter what the opposition says about her.

  4. So nice to see some support for her! I think she is great. Now, if she can just maintain her own self without trying to remember the "party line", I will be happy.

    As I read stuff, it does occur to me that the anti-Palin people are meaner than the anti-Obama/Biden people. I may dislike Obama's politics, or think that Biden doesn't represent his faith well, but I don't talk about their HAIR, or CHILDREN.


    I am looking forward to the debate.

  5. Rick and Bubba (I live in Alabama ok!) were talking about the VP debate on the radio and they were telling everyone to pray over Palin to give her the guidance to do well! I thought that was so amazing to hear! Love the blog today and love southern radio!

    Love you

  6. I've been thinking about her all day. I would totally, totally crack under the pressure and end up just flipping off Biden and running off the stage or something. That's probably why McCain didn't pick me to be his VP.

    Go Sarah!

  7. She's been on my mind and in my prayers all day, too. Thanks for an awesome post! Kill it, Sarah!

  8. Those people who don't like her aren't just loud - they're scared!!! Sarah rocks!

  9. I am praying for her and I was just praying and saying to God I know people all over this country are praying for Sarah right now and she is your child and she is my sister hear our prayers oh Lord. Our Lord hears and answers the prayers of the righteous. God bless you Sarah

  10. I just deleted one of those loud mouths from my blog list. She did an entire and LONG entry about this topic... and from the totally opposite perspective. She was flat out mean. And blogging time is my happy time, my me time, so I killed off her link. It was nicely satisfying.

    Election time is a lonely time to be us in Chicago...

    Here's hoping that post-season baseball is a better conversation piece with the other IRL moms!


  11. She did a great job.
    She's a very skilled debater.
    I thought Joe Biden's head was going to explode a couple of times.

  12. June, I love your support for a fellow (slightly less talented) woman. I watched the debate last night (I didn't watch the first Presidential debate) and I not only thought she held her own, I thought she was someone this nation could rally behind. To be fair, I thought Biden did quite well himself but when he starts talking about all his 35 years of experience in the Senate I want to gag. He's been part of the problem and the solution for way too long. I hate career politicians, I think term limits are a great idea at all levels of government. I think today might be a good day to copy you though, I think I will do a retrospective on the debate later on. Keep on blogging, girlfriend!

  13. I was so proud of her last night! But I do think that she needs to stay true to who she is, that is why we all fell in love with her at the convention. Just be you Sarah!!!

  14. I'm tired of the mean spirit of so many people.

    This lady had to get her act together very quickly and learn A LOT. I do think the pressure got to her a little during that Katie Couric interview, but this lady is no dummy.

    I think she is REAL and STRONG and SMART and HONEST and I will vote for HER and McCain!

  15. Join Team Sarah today:

  16. I have some stuff dedicated to her on the side column of my blog.

  17. yea, if i had to wake up with all that pressure i'd probably just roll over and go back to bed!
    i'm just sayin'...lol

    hope you're holding up well!

  18. Imagine waking up in the morning and not knowing anything.... waiting for some assistant to tell you everything you might need to know if you were to actually become the vice president.
    I've studied history and I've been a part of it in Iraq.
    I've done more for this country than many...and I love it... History will show what was the right thing to do...and electing more idiots into the white house will just make us worse off than we are now...if that's possible.

    CI Rollder

  19. ci-roller,

    Eight years ago your fellow Democrats weren't smart enough to know how to fill out a ballot properly. Your base vote isn't that bright.
