
11 Years Ago Today...

My boy is turning 11 today. He is 99% his father and 1% me. A mother should be so lucky to have a boy like mine.

11 is bringing about a lot of changes in him. For starters, he is starting to stink. Not a manly BO stink, but more of a 11 year old stink... which smells a lot like salami that has been left out on the counter for the day.

He is angry most of the time. I think this is a stage that boys go through, but I don't know. I know how to deal with my 13 year old daughter's attitude because I wrote the book on adolescent attitudes for girls, but I am lost with my boy's stages.

He is a man trying to live in a boys body. I can only guess that he is frustrated that he is not in charge-because that is what men want right? To be in charge? That is what we raise our boys to be... in charge of their lives, in charge of a family, in charge of their success. I just wish he would calm down and not want to be in charge so quickly. He has many years ahead of him before he has to pay taxes and save for a child's college education.

My boy is very inquisitive. He can make me nuts in a day by all of the questions he asks. His dad is a champion question answerer, because he knows all of the answers to an 11 year old boy's questions. When my boy looks at me and says things like "Mom? If we had to evacuate and the roads were all backed up, how would we make it out alive?" or " Mom? Do you think we will one day move to Mars because it has resources that we can use here on earth like Iron and water?" I have no other choice but to look at him and say "Honestly, I have no idea." Because I have no idea... I have never thought of evacuation plans or living on Mars. My thinking is in the area of finding the right pair of jeans to fit and how to get to the mall using only back roads.

This has been a hard couple of months for my boy because he is missing his dad. He does not show it very often, but you can see it in his eyes from time to time. He is a sensitive boy who is always concerned with doing the right thing.. not just the right thing for himself but the right thing for his family. He is so much like his dad... so much.

As a birthday gift to my boy I decided to not even open the door of his bedroom this week. I have not complained about dirty boxer shorts on his bathroom floor once. I have fought the urge to ask him if he has brushed his teeth and I have controlled myself and not checked the levels of the shampoo bottle before and after his shower to see if he actually is using soap or just standing in the water for 45 minutes, and yesterday when I picked him up from baseball practice I didn't even complain about the smell, I just opened my window and thanked God for my boy. My boy who wants to be a man... a man just like his dad.


  1. He sounds lucky to have such a wonderful mom to raise him. And it sounds like you're doing a truly amazing job! Happy Birthday to him!

  2. Aww, that makes me tear up. You are such a wonderful writer and mother. Happy birthday to your son and happy birthing day to you!


  3. Happy Birthday Aaron! We love you! Soon, we'll be there and you can give your mom a break and ask Uncle Ryan all those great questions. ;)
    Aunt Claire, Uncle Ryan, and Ainsley

  4. What a lovely tribute to your boy. Reminds me of my 13 year old stinker.

  5. I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You have so many good things to share, and I love your sense of humor. Thanks for sharing, it is always refreshing to read your blog! Have a great week!

  6. That was a beautiful post. You're very lucky!

  7. Precious. Fabulous photo.

    I am with ya on the jeans and mall. Mars, evacuation plans... I am going to be in trouble in a few years.

    I am sure this day is hard on you too mama Cleaver.

  8. HAPPY 11th birthday to your handsome young man ... great photo by the way.

    You are a lucky mom!

  9. Ah, what a great man he is going to grow up to be.
    Before I had my 2 daughters, I had 11 nephews. All were just like their fathers (my late-husband's brothers) and that was NOT a good thing. I was dizzy with relief after both of my ultrasounds to see no dangy parts.
    He is lucky to have you, he is lucky to have his dad, you both are lucky to have him. You will resist the urge to choke him because he is too smart for his own britches, and bask in the happiness when he outsmarts his own pants ;) Enjoy him, friend.

  10. June, you have great metaphors! Salami on the counter for a day is exactly what that smell is. My 15 year old STILL has that smell!
    I'm glad that you recognize that you can't answer all of his questions. BTW, Mars is rather inconvenient since you have to go to Saturn to fuel up...
    Happy birthday!

  11. That post is so sweet! He's lucky to have such a great mom!

  12. Happy birthday to the Beaver!!! :-)

  13. I find it so hard to bite my tongue around my teenagers sometimes, so that would be a great gift to them on their birthday if I did. Enjoyed the tribute and your realness.

  14. You are such a good mom. I am about to burst into tears now. My little boy is 5. They grow up so fast! But again, you sound like you are such a good mom. :)
