
I Don't Care What You Think... I Can't Help Myself!

I recently read a review for my blog from "someone" in "blogspere" that thought I was witty and charming but thought I wrote too much about Matthew McConaughey. They said that my blog was "at least 30% Matthew."

How am I supposed to respond to that?

I think it may have been Levi's mama that posted that review, but I am not sure. I wonder if she goes by the handle "Mineallmine" Whatever.

So, just to piss this reviewer off, I am going to give yet another Matthew update.

Will you just look at this picture? It is obvious that living life "alright alright alright" is starting to take a toll on Matthew and the Baby Mama. I mean, what in the world are they wearing? It is apparent that they are sleep deprived... and they dressed in the dark... and they haven't done laundry since the baby was born... and they are on the verge of a nervous breakdown because they just want 1 hour of uninterrupted sleep-FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

Poor Matthew.

I thought I would post this picture just to reassure you all that Matthew is hot... at least 30% of the time. Thank God for that!


  1. We still keep coming back so the rest of us must like it.

  2. When someone wears an all jean outfit we call it a Canadian tuxedo. No offense to Canadians. I have no idea why we call it that.

  3. Matthew, Matthew. One piece of denim at a time, big guy (pun intended). Come on - we love all things Matthew.

  4. Is there a problem with obsession? I think not. Besides, you're just doing a public service to everyone else that needs a yummy piece of man candy to help their blood sugar every once in a while. Yay you for thinking of others first!

    Although, that first picture is a total wardrobe malfunction.

  5. Personally, I love your commentaries on Matthew. They make me laugh...and you say things that so many of us are thinking.

    BTW, I don't think I've ever come out of lurkdome here before. But I do so much enjoy reading your blog!

  6. You go June!
    It's your blog!
    Maybe they want more stories of chocolate frosting on the toilet!
    Aunt Barbara

  7. Oh, and you are saving me so much money...I don't have to buy People magazine any more.
    Thanks for the help with the family budget.
    June, you are a women of many talents!
    Aunt Barbara

  8. Just keep posting that eye candy. It's ok with me.

  9. I still buy people because I want a hard copy of Matthew...thanks June. :)
    Love Claire

  10. My God! Someone send them a nanny and a stylist immediately. No celebrity should end up like that...

  11. Alright alright alright...

  12. I don't care what he wears, the man is GORGEOUS! Any blog that shows Matthew McCauna-hottie 30% of the time is a good blog by my standards. :)

  13. Oh no!!! You weren't suppose to see that. I am the guilty party. But, I honestly love your blog and Matthew is starting to grow on me:)

  14. BTW--I don't want you to be upset with anyone. Im not that person you were talking about. You don't even know me.

  15. Clothing means nothing to that man.

    I love his sexy smirk and his bod is one to be admired by both women and men alike ;)

    Can you just imagine his sweet talk ... (((SIGH))))

  16. There must a be a phenomenon where a denim overdose causes the head to swell to near-bobblehead proportions. I mean wow, look at the noggin in that 1st picture! He is obviously struggling to keep its mass upright...

  17. I am not sure he took enough baths before the baby but I suppose he is really suffering now. Still, he is a very pretty man (and I am a straight guy!) and worthy of your stalking...I mean interest
