
What Day Is It? Does It Really Matter...

Man oh man... I looked at this here blog today and realized that I had not even posted in at least a year. I am sorry... I don't know what came over me.

Oh wait, I remember... my children started school for the first time in 4 years this week. I also had a nervous breakdown. It was a long week.

Hope loves school. She thinks that organized education in a building other than her home is the most wonderful invention since the ipod. Aaron on the other hand thinks that education should be done at home, by his mother, and preferably after 9 a.m. He told me today that he had a great day because he figured out that if he doesn't raise his hand he can get through an entire day without his teacher talking to him.

This is where my nervous break down comes in.

That and the fact that we have activities out the wazoo.

When Carl and I were first married and had one measly little child that only slept, ate and pooped, we would look around at the parents with older children who lived their lives in their cars driving their children from one destination to another and say to ourselves, "We will NEVER be like that!" We were so stupid to think that we would never have to be a part of the rat race that I have come to know as "I chauffeur therefore I am."

We have numerous activities every night of the week... and Saturday mornings. I know! Crazy!

Today when Hope came home from school she found out that her riding lesson had been rescheduled so that meant that we did not have to go anywhere. I made her repeat that to me 5 times and once backwards before I believed her. It was not until she said "tonight riding no have I" did I completely relax and jump for joy. I went directly to my bedroom and took off my bra for the evening. Years ago that would have been the START of a great evening, now taking off my bra means that the puppies are hanging low so I need to lay on the couch in order to even things out.

Tomorrow the rat race commences. We have softball, baseball, a slumber party to attend and Sesame Street tickets. My life is so luxurious that sometimes I have to just pinch myself...


  1. You always make me laugh. Isn't it Murphy's Law that said nothing EVER happens unless they are TDY, in the field or deployed ?

    Miltary wives rock!!!

    Meg in Lower Alabama

    Spouse of a retired ('05) Army blackhawk pilot

  2. June,
    When you get some time you might consider taking up synchronized swimming...they get to wear cute costumes. Me, I can't walk down the street by myself, much less with a partner. No kidding have you had any time to watch it on the T and V? It is amazing!
    Happy to hear school has started and everyone is on the merry-go-round. Great blog!
    Aunt Barbara

  3. I keep trying to tell myself that I am not really crazy because if you are REALLY CRAZY then you can't even diagnose yourself.

    This was a nutty first week of school for me too.

    I just had two glasses of wine and I feel way better ;)

  4. "I went directly to my bedroom and took off my bra for the evening."

    Even in the midst of your craziness you are cracking me up!

    Enjoy the ride girl!

  5. First week of school! I am office manager for Traditional Catholic School in the South. My first week was C R A Z Y. Try multiplying your concerns about uniform order, medical release forms, this person can pick up my child today, paying for milk a week to a month in advance, liability form signed, etc. X 98 students and tell me a cold beer at night isn't called for. Yes and freedom from the "foundation".

    June's MA

  6. "I went directly to my bedroom and took off my bra for the evening. Years ago that would have been the START of a great evening, now taking off my bra means that the puppies are hanging low so I need to lay on the couch in order to even things out."

    I will think of you every time I happily remove mine. Now I know why I'm so drawn to the couch after removal--the even-ing process.
