
He Can't Help But Be Beautiful...

Beauty runs in my family. We can't help it... God just loves us more than most.

Here is a picture that Cousin Steve sent to me tonight. His wife took it while on vacation at Lake Michigan.

Go ahead... be jealous. You know you want a camouflage hat just like his. We have been trying to get him to put a shirt on for years now. Thank goodness we finally got him to stop fishing in the nude.


  1. LOL! Thanks for a good giggle tonight.

  2. WHAT is that in his pants?!!!
    Ha, never mind, I guess I know, though I've never seen one in quite that condition before. ;o) Maybe the wife should put the camera down and take him to go see the doc. LOL!

  3. Oh. My. Gosh. He has a bod so very similar to Matt McC!!!
    Oh you must be a fun family... I hope Steve has a good sense of humor :)

  4. Does he play the bongos???? 'cause a body and looks are great, but ...

  5. Oh My Gosh, I laugh so hard every time I see that picture!!! How I love photo editing!! I would have been so embarrassed if someone saw my third nipple. Thanks for removing it!

  6. I had to do a double take! Cute!

  7. I love Cousin Steve and his hilarious sense of humor!
    Aunt Barbara
