
Check It Out...


Go the "The Troops" Gallery

Click on Aug 11 4:15p.m.

These are all of the men and women that left Offutt AFB yesterday heading on deployment. When the plane does a stop-over in Maine, they are greeted by about 30 devoted Americans who cheer and applaud for every military person that walks by. How amazing is that! Americans are so fricken' cool!

The first one to find Carl wins! Like most of my contests, the prize is simply the fact that you won. Someday I will have endorsements that will allow me to send you all kinds of free prizes... but until Oprah pays me for mentioning her name so much, or until Matthew McConaughey sends me a check for all of the publicity he rakes in from my site... well we will just have to settle with the satisfaction of winning and not the prize that goes along with it.

*Advertisement paid for by no one. I am June Cleaver and I approve this message.*


  1. Oh, and I meant to say "hang in there" before I hit enter. I can only imagine how you feel...

  2. Curses! Stupid employer's firewall wont' let me look at the pictures!! AAAAAUUUGHHH!!!

    But I will look as soon as I get home!!!

  3. ha ha I win!!! He's in picture number 2!!! Yay!

    He looks typical Carl...probably walking very quickly concentrating on what he's supposed to be doing next! :)

    Love you -- Claire

  4. absolutely love it. I had your music going from your blog so it was extra special. Sorry didn't spot him. so you'll have to let us know when contest is over.

  5. Praying for you and yours. Everything else I want to write seems corny and trite so I'll leave it at that. :)

  6. I think both #2 and #36 are Carl. I haven't had a look through the rest yet...

    Thank you for linking to this site. It gives me faces to pray for instead of just "all our military, especially Carl and..." They all look like such good people, and their families miss them all. :-(

    Hugging you from Michigan...

  7. Wow... you guys are good, either that or you are stalkers. Anyway, congratulations to KASIA who spotted BOTH photos of Carl. You never know Kasia, your prize may just be a visit from June is January... Detroit in winter sounds absolutely balmy! :)

  8. Woohoo!!!

    Well, compared to Omaha in winter, Detroit probably is pretty darned mellow...

  9. Carl is in picture #2 which means he is the 9th person off the plane. Way to go Carl. If this was a vacation you would still be gathering everyone together!


    June's MA

  10. I agree with Claire...he looks like he's already focused and ready for business....America is lucky to have Carl on the job!
    Love ya...Lori

  11. I agree with Claire...he looks like he's already focused and ready for business....America is lucky to have Carl on the job!
    Love ya...Lori

  12. Cris,
    I just looked up Carls picture...He is so handsome...now I am sad too!
    Tomorrow will be better, but all of you are in my daily prayers!
    Aunt Barbara
