
Time Again For Another Matthew McConaughey Update...

Matthew, Matthew, Matthew... why do you have to be so weird?

Matthew's description of the birth of his son to OK! Magazine:
"Contractions started kicking in, and we found a great rhythm. I sat there with her, right between her legs. We got tribal on it. We danced to it! I was DJ-ing this Brazilian music. We were jamming!"

Someone please tell me why all of the good looking ones have to be so damn looney. It is a cryin' shame.


  1. Yeah, he seems really weird. I do not get him at all. Every time I see him I think of when I saw him once on Letterman talking about how he and his redneck relatives were having a contest to see who could poop the farthest or something nasty like that. Needless to say, he does not appeal to me.

  2. He is darned cute. I'd say he should shut up but that cute accent is a big part of his charm. So he can say whatever and I'll just stare misty-eyed at him anyway.

  3. Matthew, Matthew, Matthew... why do you have to be so weird?


    I suspect he is high all the time.

    If you want to see for yourself, get a tape-recorder or cam corder, smoke a bowl, and record the things you say.

  4. here's matthew factiod. He's gorg and all but his arms are too short.
    My boss is like that too, they can't even get the keys or coins out of their pocket unless they tilt to one side. LOL just thinkin' about it.

  5. I think it is actually that the damn looney ones have to be good looking, because well, they have to have something going for their crazy selves, right?

  6. What a strange, strange man. I think A Simple Sinner is right...must be the pot!


    That, and the B.O. thing just sort of ruin my image of him.

  8. Eye Candy ... that is all. I can't imagine that he devotes too much talking time with anyone including the girlfriend that just had their child.

    Having a body like that takes WORK. I sort of imagine him always working out, playing, and partying. I guess he sometimes works and sometimes he partakes in bedroom activities. I suspect he dabbles a bit with WEED too.

    Sigh ... he sure is pretty though.

  9. He is devilishly handsome but a little bit of a ding bat! Maybe his BO is frying his brain cells.

  10. I thought we just liked looking at him!
    Now we have to listen too?...Bleah!

  11. Why oh why do the cute ones have to be insane???

  12. I've been swooning over McConaughey ever since Angels in the Outfield. He can do no wrong. It's not weird. It's -- uhh -- it's --- what it is. I just hope his wife had a sense of humor or good drugs. My husband might (would) have been kicked in the face, but I had c-sections and couldn't move that way.

  13. He's one of my man-crushes. My wife probably thinks I'd leave her for him (I wouldn't). Man he's strange one.

    btw is this a better workout?

  14. June,
    Funny I had the same reaction as you when I read that on MSN.
    No more Matthew for me!
    Aunt Barbara

  15. I knew he was weird when I read about the naked bongo thing years ago, but this???? I'd love to hear the mom's side of the story.


  16. Why indeed? Good land, what a dork! Maybe that is why he is an actor (?!) because he is soooo uncool in real life.

  17. If i was the one who was in labor and my husband was dancing all In between my legs, I don't care how cute he is we would be having big problems.

    I am going with the pot theory.

  18. Oh man, what a freak! Lucky for him that he's hot and has enough short-term memory left to remember a few lines. Otherwise, I think he might be holding a sign on the freeway exit-ramp.

    Honestly, if I was in his wife's place, I think I'd have smacked the "mellow" right outta him.

  19. He---
    Matthew Mc is SICK.

    He makes me sick. His eyes are too close together. I tell that to my "awe-struck" sis in law, but the message doesn't get through-- oh well!!

    He doesn't do ANYTHING for me at all!! His fricking nose is crooked, his eyes are too close together-- he's just ALL WRONG!! Sorry don't see IT in him!

  20. I know! Such a waste! Okay, i know that God loves him too - butchya gotta admit, He's got to be raising an eyebrow on *that* creation! LOL

  21. I bet he smells.

  22. Oh, listen to you gals! The guy is a total pig, and you're still swooning over him! If that doesn't tell you "why all of the good looking ones have to be so damn looney," I don't know what will. But here's a clue. They do it because... they CAN!!!


  23. Class, class!
    Are you all listening?
    She is not his wife...he hasn't married her yet! So lets not give him the status of husband until he does!
    I'm sure he has some tribal explanation for not marrying her, but maybe she is the lucky one...
    Just chimming in,
    Aunt Barbara

  24. I don't know why "we" are weird.

  25. Photoshop=extra hot without the looney lol!
    Though he's still hot!
    Or how about hot and looney Christan Bale beating on his mom and sis?! Now that's classy...
