
The House Needs To Be Cleaned... It Must Be Time To Move.

You never know how much crap you own until 12 hours before a moving company is coming to pack your household goods.

Tomorrow the movers come to start packing our house. That means today is the day that I go through just about everything we own and ask myself "Do I really need this?" I mean, should I pack all the half used bottles of shampoo and the mascara that I bought 6 months ago but decided I didn't like the way it made my eyes look squinty? What about all of my husband's t-shirts from his childhood? Will he ever know if I throw out his lucky little league t-shirt size 7?

By midnight tonight I will be saying things like "Do we really need the plates and silverware? Can't we just buy more when we get there?" It will save me the step of constantly washing the forks and then yelling "STOP USING THE FORKS!" to my children only to walk back into the kitchen and find the sink full of forks. My children apparently think they are too good to use the plastic forks I purchased for this move. Silverware snobs.


  1. The sad part is, as an Army wife, this is EXACTLY how all of our moves go. Gosh, and the movers wonder why we're always so tired while they are packing.

  2. You mean you haven't duct taped the drawers shut?

    I'm right there with you, babe. Packers come tomorrow, and my trash can is already full.

  3. Good luck with the move!

    And I love the "I love my German Shepherd" graphic on your sidebar!

  4. Oooh, I think by that point I'd be threatening to stab them with the forks if they didn't use the plastic ones...

  5. you hit the nail right on the head. where do you draw the line you know? When I get in a mood to throw stuff away, the pack rat side to me is suppressed and I find myself throwing out stuff that shold most certainly be kept. It's a semi annual cleaning event for me.

  6. The best part of this move is...we get to have a picnic with June and Ward and the kids on Saturday as they pass through the hometown.
    Can't wait!
    Aunt Barbara

  7. Moving is a blessing and a curse, isn't it? It keeps me from becoming the pack rat I'd most likely be, but it's painful on many levels too. We're planning for our late-summer move as well. Ahhh... the joys of military life! Keep in touch, June!

  8. It is a great way to declutter. We aren't moving, but just the other day I "helped" my oldest daughter clean her room. MAN, that kid is a pack rat! She would save silly stuff like a lolipop wrapper and art projects from kindergarten.

    Stay sane ... soon the move will be over.

  9. don't keep anything! when you unpack, you will glad you threw all that crap out!

  10. Good luck with your move!! We are an Air Force family so I can sympathize. I always hated the packers packing my underwear drawer so I did that myself.ha Smiles!! O:)

  11. I'd be very careful with the lucky t-shirt. I'm still in the virtual dog house for trying to throw away my husband's preschool nap mat.
