
The Peace Corps Are The Smartest People On The Earth!

My Aunt Barb sent me an email yesterday that had her all in a twitter. It seems that while she was happily buzzing about at work, she heard something on the radio that gave her an instant hot flash. It was Matthew McConaughey doing a public service announcement for the Peace Corps. My Aunt was ready to pack her bags.

I decided to check this out for myself, because as I have said before, I think Matthew is some serious eye candy. I bet he is stinky because he does not wear deodorant (do not question my facts... I have this on good authority) but I could listen to him talk all day long.

I like the way his mouth forms his words. I wonder if he knows how incredibly sexy he is. I mean, I am sexy, but I don't know it. Seriously. I wonder if he knows it. I wonder if he sits around playing bongos with his shirt off and thinks "Damn, I am sexy... and the way I talk is going to get me chicks."

Anyway... I found this on You Tube. I have watched it 75 times so far and am seriously contemplating packing up the kids and husband and volunteering.

All I know is that if Matthew McConaughey starts doing voice overs for McDonald's then I am in big big trouble.

You know when you are trying to do something and your mind is completely into your task and your husband starts asking you random question after question about something he is doing that has nothing to do with what you are doing and you think you are going to rip his tongue out because the sound of his voice is making you want to scream "STOP TALKING!!!"? I wonder if that would happen if my husband talked like Matthew. I am thinking not.

I bet if my husband talked like Matthew I would hand him the phone book every day and say "Read this to me... we left off on the D's"



  1. ROFLMAO!!!

    "I like the way his mouth forms his words. I wonder if he knows how incredibly sexy he is. I mean, I am sexy, but I don't know it".

  2. Best post all day. If I had a medal I'd send it to you.

  3. Hmmm, all I can hear is him talking behind The Police singing.

  4. Hmm. The Canuck says he could listen to Phil Hartman read the phone book (in a nonsexual way, of course), and that it's unfortunate that Hartman didn't record the phone book before he died. :-p

    I don't think I'd better watch that YouTube...I'd probably have to go to Confession after...

  5. Oh man. That does to you the same thing Dave Duchovny doing the voice over for "We're for puppies" Pedigree commercial does to me. Yum. I get the shivers every time I hear his voice.

    Here's the link:

  6. Cris,
    I just knew you would turn that into good blob material!!!
    You are one of the best Nieces...
    Aunt Barb

  7. As a former Peace Corps Volunteer (Gabon, Central Africa), I thought you might want to know that this ad came out 2 or 3 years ago. There is also a similar one that ran on the radio. Studies have shown that after the ad aired, Peace Corps applications from women went up 12.5%.

    Just kidding.

  8. Got to your blog through a series of links of friends of friends... I find you are always good for a laugh (which I really need most days.) But, now, the McConaughey thing-- I'm starting to wonder whether we were separated at birth.

  9. I was going to join the "Pizza beer corps."
    I just traveled across oceans to help destroy things....

  10. Maybe we could get him to record a public service announcement stating the benefits of living healthy. Then maybe I'd get off my tucas and go for a walk.
