
Nothing Says I Love You Like a Tattoo...

Have I mentioned before that I like bad boys? I do-bad boys drive me crazy. My husband was a bad boy when I met him and then he made a sharp turn at the intersection of Responsibility and Jail and headed straight for the Clean Cut life.

That is fine with me because I much prefer being married to someone who is responsible than someone who's idea of a good time is to go fishing for dinner under the highway.

But bad boys still get me a little crazy. I was into tattoos before the rest of the world was into tattoos. I liked them when you only saw them on bikers and paroled criminals. Today just about everyone has a tattoo... I bet our Priest even has a tattoo.

Well, last week while my husband was in Hawaii he decided to come home with the world's greatest gift for me. He had my name tattooed on his upper arm. It was a temporary tattoo... but it is the thought that counts here. The tattoo artist even spelled my name wrong the first time so my husband was thankful he was only getting a temporary tattoo and not a permanent one. He would have hated walking around with the name Jane on his arm for the rest of his life. Not to mention that interrogation I would have given him "So Jane Huh? Just who is Jane? That isn't that woman down the street is it? Do you have another family in Utah that I don't know about? Does Jane make you meatloaf? Does Jane let you pick what to watch on television? Is this Jane skinnier than me? Does Jane have children? Are they your children? Do you love Jane more than you love me? If you don't like the way I fold your underwear, well then you can go live with JANE!" You can see how my husband started to panic over the misspelling because he is married to me... June, not that Jane woman.

This temporary tattoo has brought out the bad boy again in my husband. Just yesterday he went 10 mph over the speed limit. He is such a dare devil.

I love my husband's temporary tattoo... I am trying everything I can to convince him to make it a permanent one. I can't help smiling when I envision him standing in line behind the family of 6 to get his temporary tattoo. The man really loves me.

He has always had a thing for bad girls...


  1. This made me laugh! You see, Urban Dad is the most straight-arrowed due in the world. But every once in a while, he wants to do something "out there." Something that makes me say, "WHO are YOU?" This gives me an idea for a future post... not a straight rip-off, mind you. But a tangent. Here's hoping that you and DH have more fun with fake tattoos in the future! =-)

  2. True story: I watched some reality TV show a few years back and one of the dumbass girls decided to get a tat somewhere on her back. So, she couldn't see it being done. And her name must have been Julia, Jules for short, but she spelled it "Jewelz".

    And the guy reversed the l and 2nd z.

  3. meant 2nd e. Yes, as in "Jewlez".

  4. I have never gotten a tattoo. When the subject comes up I always say that I can't imagine anything that I like enough to have it carved into my flesh with an ink-filled needle.

    That said, the Canuck has a tattoo. Totally straight-arrow guy, but got a tattoo in college (and a nose stud, which I am happy to report was no longer in his nose by the time I met him).

    The Canuck, btw, cannot stop laughing about "you don't like the way I fold your underwear"... :-p

  5. Yep, me too. I started dating a bad boy 21 years ago, 17 years of marriage and he's now as mundane as a CNN news anchor! Yet, yesterday he asked me to put a pink stripe in my blonde hair because it would be "sexy". I told him I was 37 and that would just be trashy. He said, "Yep, that's what I like." He's also been lobbying for me to get an "ass topper" tattoo. Seems his Anderson Cooper personna still likes a Pamela Anderson type girl!

  6. Yup. The wicked glint in his eye is why I'm now the mom of his seven kids.

    But tatoos, now. The thing about tatoos that I always think about is someday in the nursing home I'm gonna be sitting there trying to stretch out my skin to read the durn thing to some wide-eyed grandkid 'cause I sure as heck won't remember what it was supposed to say!

  7. Well, in my younger days I had my heart broken by more than one gal, for the sake of bad boys, and I gotta tell ya, most of the time bad boys stay that way. As the saying goes: "A man marries a woman hoping she will never change, while a woman marries a man hoping that he will change."

    So when are you gonna spill your guts about this George Clooney thing?

  8. The mere fact that I want a tattoo makes them none too cool.

    I have to stop talking about getting one, tho, since my daughters (some who do have tats) have offered to go with me to "Modern Tattoo" or whatever the place is called and hold my hand while I have it done. Hold my hand? After birthing six kids without anesthesia? Puh-leez. Then again, having the kids (naturally, unnaturally, biologically, adopted or just drop-ins) is a mother's proof of endurance. So I guess I should just save the money. That Raggedy Anne I Love You heart that I once desired would probably make me a novelty in the ER the day when I finally collapse from exhaustion... :)

  9. i got 3 tats back in the early 80's before everyone and their mother started getting them. does that make me cool? there is always a first time....
    was the tattoo gotten to make up for not taking you to HI with him? :)

  10. TAG!! You're IT!! See my blog for details.

  11. I don't understand now, nor will I ever understand why women go for the guys that are going to do nothing but crush their hearts? I have never been a bad boy, and never will be. I cannot fathom wanting to be around someone who is just going to get into trouble, and take you down with them.


  12. My last child, ( #8 in the line), admitted to me that she is attracted to "Bad Boys." This is such a mystery to me. She has a long string of failed relationships and scars to prove it. I have a friend whose 21 year old daughter went to minsiter with the Jesuits in Costa Rica. I told him that my daughter was too busy ministering at Fort Bragg to the 82nd Airborne. And, of course, she just got her second tattoo.

  13. Go stand in the corner, all of you.
