
A Mothering Must-Have...

I finally figured out motherhood. That is right... I finally figured out the one thing I needed in order to be a fabulous mother.

A mini trampoline.

I bought one today under the disguise of it being a fun workout routine for me while I watch the Food Network. It seems that it is better suited for my 4 year old.

She has been jumping for 2 hours straight now. She has not had one tantrum since she started jumping. She just jumps. She still talks nonstop... but she has to take talking breaks in order to catch her breath.

I was able to watch Oprah today without interruption (and is was a good one too... it was about suburban exotic dancers. Made me think twice about what my neighbors may actually be doing to pay the bills.) all because Emma has been jumping her little heart out and not asking me to entertain her.

Sometimes she jumps the farts right out of her... better out then in I say. Nothing stops her. I may have to call the World Record people.

I tried jumping for a while and thought my uterus was going to fall out. Ah, to be four again. She is going to sleep sooo well tonight! Yeah!


  1. Oh, my mom used to have one of those mini trampolines. I tried it - blech. But Emma looks like she's having the time of her life!!!

    Here's hoping the novelty doesn't wear off any too soon!!!

  2. I need to get one of those.Actually,I am probably safer getting two since they would probably argue over one.Glad one of us has figured out mothering lol.I'm game for anything that make my three year old sleep all night.

  3. Where do you purchase mini trampolines? That could really come in handy around this joint!

  4. I'm sorry to admit that I'm behind on reading your blog...but I have to say that my jaw dropped looking at Emma's picture. You could have easily stolen it from one of Hope's scrapbook. The spitting image...oh the memories.

    Love ya..

  5. I love the superman/girl/woman shirt. My Little One would love it.

    Did they give any numbers for the dancers? Was it like an infomercial?

  6. Cris,
    Emma is a doll! She looks like she is having a geat time. But I was just wondering about that picture in the background...is that Carl and the president? Cool!
    Aunt Barbara
    ps I wish I had had one of those mini's when cousin Keith was 4rs old!

  7. Oh man...I am so going to get one of these...no TWO! at least two. yippee!!

  8. Mandy-WalMart. I refuse to walk inside of a WalMart though so I ordered mine on-line.

    Aunt Barb, that is GW with Carl. Friends in High places...

  9. I stumbled upon your blog by clicking and reading around on other blogs, and I love it! Your life resembles mine... and so I feel a sisterhood kinship with your stories.
    I am so getting a mini-tramp for my 4 year old. I haven't watched a full episode of TV in 4 years...

  10. You are hilarious! I am so getting one of these for my son. He never stops talking, either. Sometimes I tell him my ears need a vacation.

    So did your daughter sleep well that night? Has it lost its novelty yet?

  11. Gee, I have one of those mini-tramps - NOT the ones you saw on Oprah - the ones that little kids can jump on forever. My neighbor has one, too, but she can't use hers - it makes her pee within two seconds; her doctor even gave her a note in case she wanted to return it to the store - it says "this woman cannot use your mini-trampoline without dire bladder results". I'm not lucky enough to have that doctor. *sigh* I WALK on my mini-trampoline. When I started out 2 months ago, I could only do 5 minutes without going into cardiac arrest. But, I have perservered, and I'm up to 8 minutes! In two months! Progress is a wonderful thing. However, it must be noted that I have come to hate this trampoline. It's like not being the lead sled dog - because the view never changes. I can't use the trampoline inside, because both my husband and my dog laughed at the sight of me bouncing while watching TV, so I moved it outside. My backyard needs a LOT of work if the view is ever going to be pretty...and since a lot of work on the backyard is not going to happen any time soon, I will probably end up using the trampoline to bounce cantaloupes into the pool for the dog to fetch. As she is a chihuahua, I can already sense that she will go under by cantaloupe number 3...and I will laugh, just as she laughed at me...
