
June v. Blogger...

Argh! Ok, what is going on with Blogger? I have not been able to check my spelling in days and now I can't get my music to play.

I am seriously thinking of switching... any thoughts?

Does anyone out there have a better way of blogging than this blogger contraption?


  1. My music isn't working either ... very frustrating. Several times I have thought of moving my blog AGAIN, but then Blogger is free.

  2. I wish you could tell me how to put the music on.....but then again, anybody who really knows me wouldn't think I'd even know what a blog was.
    What I do for spilling is rite in a wurd dockument, then kopy and paeste... that way I kin spill everthin rite.

  3. StBlogs is free too, and it's based on Wordpress software. But I don't think the StBlogs version of Wordpress is quite as versatile as the regular Wordpress software, so I would check out Wordpress if I were you. It's free too...

  4. whatever you do, don't lose the archived stuff...I'm still catching up after just discovering your blog a few months ago!

  5. love your blog June and I love my vox blog. It has a lot more security setting features so I can choose which audience can read what...I still use blogger for some things but my main blog is vox now.

  6. oh, and you can pull your old entries into the vox account. I love that too...but don't delete the blogger account cuz it references back. anywho....lots of choices and options out there.

  7. I have typepad and LOVE it. I haven't tried anything else.

  8. I've always regretted that I didn't use Wordpress, but I'm afraid to move for fear I'd lose some loyal readers. Last move I made was from AOL journals to Blogger, and I found I just couldn't give up my AOL blog... so here I am stuck with two! I don't think I could handle three.

    I'm here from the Homesteading Today site. They sent lots of new people to my blog. Although only a couple have commented.

    Speaking of blogger, it won't let me sign into my account this morning, so I'm having to comment as "anonymous". Geesh. Same thing happened yesterday, and after an hour or so, I was finally allowed to sign in.

  9. I've seen a lot of complaints about blogger's spellcheck recently, I think they stuffed it up on purpose so that you focus on that and don't realise what a piece of crap the rest of it is.

    I switched from blogger to TypePad over a year ago, and now all I have to worry about is coming up with posts, none of the constant garbage that blogger throws up.

    Folks talk about blogger being free, true but you get what you pay for, but TypePad (basic) is only a around $4 a month.

    Here's a little tip, if you use Firefox as your browser, you can have an active spellcheck all the time, that means even when you're leaving comments, plus you can even choose your language (I like to keep my 'u's, as in colour and neighbour etc).

    So there you go, just what you need, some guy you've never heard of giving you a lecture on blogging.
