
I Think I Was Born Today... I Am Not Sure

Today is my birthday. I am 36. I know… can you believe it? I seem so much younger.

My mother called today to wish me a happy birthday and asked me if I remembered what time of day I was born.

I replied that I didn’t… and she was there so she should remember.

I don’t even recall how much I weighed.

I pointed out to my mother that I would know all of this important information if I had a baby book. But I don’t have one. I never had one. All of my siblings have one… my little sister may even have two, but I was never fortunate enough.

She told me that she wrote all of that information on a piece of paper once and gave it to me.

I don’t remember this… she must have put it in the Buffet drawer, right under the 1972 atlas of Canada.

She suggested that I call my older sister and ask her what my birth weight was since she now owns the Buffet and that piece of paper may be wedged in the back somewhere.

Funny thing is… she is probably right.


  1. Happy Birthday, June!

    Of course you're still young. Don't let the fact that you have a 13 year old get you down.

  2. Happy Birthday, Chris! Welcome to 36. It doesn't feel much different than 35, except that I now have 7 gray hairs growing straight out of the top of my head.

  3. Cris,

    Happy birthday! Sorry your hubby isn't around to celebrate with you. I think he's partying with my hubby somewhere. It seems like I was 36 just yesterday, but that was actually 6 years ago. Yikes! I need a drink!

  4. Chris,
    Happy birthday! I've not posted before but I've been lurking ever since I met you at the Christmas party for the unit. Marva mentioned your blog to me then and I've actually gone back and read the whole thing. You have a gift! Anyway, I haven't sweated a birthday since my 26th! For some reason that one bothered me but I'm 42 now and don't give a crap. Again, happy birthday and make sure you celebrate completely.
    Patrick Landry

  5. Happy Birthday Cris! Hope you've had a great one!

  6. Happy Birthday mama! 36 was a great year!

  7. Well Happy Birthday Cris! You are a year younger than me by a week (I just had my 37th ... sniff, sniff on the 11th), but I am sure you started drinking before me ;)

    I have no baby book. Just a lot of sheets of paper from the pediatrician. That is probably a remarkable save by my Mom.

    Hope you had a wonderful day!

  8. Happy belated birthday, Cris - if I had known, I'd have baked you a cake!
    In my experience, these baby books are over-rated.
    I was an only child. I have a baby book so thick you could beat a man to death with it - but...seems the whole thing is made of up about 3 photo sessions, and all the pictures look almost exactly alike. There are eleven-de-teen photos of me looking moderately cute in a striped bathing suit...eleven-de-teen photos of me posing fetchingly under a lacy parasol...and eleven-de-teen photos taken when I had no hair, and had a bow scotch-taped to my head. Also, a picture of me that had to be tinted to make me look pink and healthy - because I was one of those "blue babies" who went immediately into intensive care and just as immediately caught jaundice. Blue and yellow make GREEN. Hence the tinted "newborn" picture. All in all, you probably aren't missing much - unless you need a weighty object to beat an intruder to death with!

  9. Happy birthday...well, belated now, but happy birthday!

  10. Cris, Happy Birthday!
    Have no fear,come on ahead, we've paved the way for you. But watch our for some of the bumps we left behind!
    And remember, I have sweaters older than you! ;)
    Aah, to be 36 again...and know what I know now! My 40th was my best! Something to look forwad to...
    Aunt Barbara

  11. Happy anniversary of being borned and stuff. I hesitate to ask, but are you by nay chance a middle child? It may be the baby book thing that makes me ask. As one of the gifted and ignored few, I feel for you if that is the case.

    Regardless, just make stuff up. You were born at 4:45 pm and weighed the perfect weight for your height, which was also perfect, and you could fly.

  12. Happy Birthday- I hope you had a great day!!!

  13. Happy seventh anniversary of your 29th birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday! Ahhhh...36...so young!

  15. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Chris! I hope it was a great day--you deserve it for all the fun and joy you bring to your readers!

  16. I've been outta the loop for a bit, so sorry this is a little late, but, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) Hope your day was wonderful!

  17. Happy birthday. I understand your mom's comments about the baby book. I would also suggest looking in the family recipe holder, as the piece of paper in the buffet may have your particulars on side and the recipe for a killer casserole on the other, or how to make the icing for a carrot cake, etc.
