
Tune In Tomorrow... That Always Makes Me Want To Say "Tune In Tokya." Disgusting...

OK, since so many of you loved my cake cutting technique... I have decided to answer an anonymous commenter's plea for instruction on the correct way to fold a fitted sheet. I will be doing this tomorrow as tonight is Friday and that means "date" night for the ol' hubby... which means tomorrow is laundry day for the sheets.

Be sure to tune in to some of the most helpful fitted sheet folding this side of the hemisphere. If you fold on the other side of the hemisphere you have to do it counter-clockwise.

I am off to go pick out my outfit...


  1. Ok, I'm totally going to gag saying this, but, I CANNOT wait to see what you have to say about getting those friggin fitted sheets folded, I'm so excited! ok...I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit....ugh, when did I become so lame??
    I'll tune it tomorrow for sure!!

  2. My husband is suggesting you re-name your blog "TMI." I guess locker-room talk is really not meant to be overheard by the "other side."

  3. Can you explain the concept of a "date night" to my wife? I could really use some clean sheets...

  4. TMI? What info did I give out? It is not my fault if your have dirty imaginations... and if you must know, "date" night means we eat chocolate cake in bed while we watch a movie. Crumbs need to be laundered out. Sheesh.

  5. hahahahahahaha...which is why I left you an award on my blog...hugs, Hope.

  6. You are good Cris ;)

    I am an expert at the folding of the fitted sheet ... bet I know your tricks.

  7. Your blog has had me merrily chuckling away this morning - really glad to see the link from Hope Radio. Advice on how to fold a fitted sheet is most welcome considering I botched three of the damned things yesterday. It's even worse when they have the valance skirt. What's the point in ironing them? Hateful things...

  8. Cris- Thanks so much for the laundry tip. I have it on my list. I can't believe I am this close to laundry Nirvana!!! I just changed all the beds in the house and am getting ready to finish off the Tide and Bounce, so can you get your butt back here and give us the demo?? LOL.

    And I totally assumed you meant eating cake or cookies in bed. But weight watchers right?

  9. First off, do you keep the GOOD liquor in the linen closet? Cause I'm thinking of doing that myself.Seems like the logical choice since NOBODY but me ever goes in there..LOL..Second,I just put all the flat (folded) sheets on top of the fitted ones and they all look nice and neat, after a while...and after couple or four martinis *snort*
