
Crazy Mixed Up Teenagers...

Today is Hope's birthday. My firstborn. My baby. She is thirteen. Lord help me.

I found a prayer I had written in a prayer journal a few years back on her 6th birthday. After all these years, it is still what I pray for her, so I thought I would share it with you all...

"Dear Lord,
Today is Hope's birthday. Six years ago today You entrusted her to us. I pray that we are doing the job You intended us to do, in the way You desire us to do it.

I wonder what her life will bring for her. How exciting a time to have a life of love ahead of her. She is such a beautiful girl You have made. I pray that You remain in her heart even if a time comes when she may turn from You. When evil comes into her life Lord, I pray that You prick her with a thorn from your Crown so that she will quickly run back to Your path.

I pray she will always love, accept, support and pray for her family-as we will always do for her.

Happy Hope's Birthday to you Lord!

With this prayer, Our Lord has been faithful to Hope. She is such an amazing kid, and I am not just saying that because I am her mom. She has a kindness in her heart that can only come from the understanding of compassion that comes from a deep relationship with Christ. She is also brave-the bravest person I know. She never hesitates when it comes to including others or making someone feel special.

She is so much better than I ever was, and I am so proud of my girl. Her Dad and I were blessed the moment she burst into our lives. We named her Hope because that is what she gave to us-hope.


  1. Aw...you're, like, a sweet mom. :)

  2. I've never met her, but I like her already! What a gift from a God!

  3. I'll bet this post embarrasses the daylights out of her... :-p

  4. Happy Birthday Hopeee!
    Love ya.

  5. Happy Birthday Hope! My firstborn is 6 and I can so identify with your prayer. I only wish I could articulate my thoughts as well. Congratulations on a job well done! Hold on to this post as the teenage years loom ahead. I hope she is nothing like I was at 16;)

  6. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter ... inside and out!

    BTW, love the new song. Somehow I thought you were a better singer ;)

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! This is beautiful!

  8. I love that age group- and you daughter sounds like a true gem.
    This is a fun and thoughtful blog. I shall return. Prepare to be "favorited."
