
Return Of The Punctuation Mark...

Ask any mother out there and she will tell you that one of the main reasons for breastfeeding is completely selfish. Sure it is healthy and stuff for the kid, but for the mother, it keeps a certain punctuation mark at a distance.

I have been happily nursing Mary Claire for that reason. Oh relax... I have been nursing her for the other reasons as well, like that it helps me get back in shape.

My sister will nurse her kids and her punctuation mark stays away indefinitely. If she nurses until the kid is 18 and going off to college, well she would not have a punctuation mark until she dropped that kid off at school and they started their first class.

Me on the other hand, I have been jipped! Robbed! Thwarted! Here I sit a measly 5 months after giving birth to Mary Claire and I am back to correcting grammatical errors!

I have to wonder if it is because of my recent interest in jogging and my recent suppression of carbs in my diet that has caused this unnatural phenomenon to happen to me, a nursing mother.

Back when I was lazy and eating everything in sight, I was punctuation free... now that I am getting my act together, WHAM!

I should look at the bright side, at least I can blame my cursing on PMS again...


  1. Coming onto your blog today I enjoyed your post, as I always do, but the music was exactly what I needed. Bad mom day, school meetings, uncooperative educators, uncooperative kids, etc.

    Hearing the words of Mercy Me was exactly what I needed.

  2. Me again, not a stalker, but I think you can relate. I have been dieting & was SO happy to pull out some old jeans & have them be loose! Then 1/2 an hour & a meeting later I realized that I had "punctuated" all over them.

  3. I hate punctation marks, they are followed by *#*@!

  4. This post and comments have me rolling in the floor and I'm laughing so much that I'm having trouble with my .... well...nevermind...keep it up girls, keep it up!

  5. Pam... that happened to me in Algebra class in high school. Thank GOD I was wearing a sweater that I could tie around my waist. I had to call my mother from the nurses office to bring me a new pair of pants.


  6. I was just thinking about this, tonight. Five months?? That seems early. Too early. My little guy will be 4-months on 11/4 and I sure hope that I don't get visited until at least Easter. Or Christmas, 2008.

  7. That stinks!

    I was sooooo spoiled. Got pregnant in Nov. 2003, nursed her until Aug. 2005, got pregnant with son in Aug. 2005 and nursed him until May 2007. Didn't get grammatically corrected until June 2007. That's 3 1/2 years! That alone is worth having another child for, right?

  8. Mom of nine here again. My punctuation mark always came back after three months, even if nursing exclusively. It really, really,.,@#$%!!!!! And believe me it wasn't my diet. I lived on m&m's and coca cola. Which probably explains why my kids are always bouncing off the walls..... but that is another subject all together. Thanks for the laughs!

  9. Cris, it's just because you're a Fertile Myrtle and God wants you to have ten more just like her... :-p [ducks]

  10. Ack! My sixth baby is 6 months today and I really, REALLY hope my punctuation mark stays away. I'm breastfeeding day and night so maaaaaybe I'll be good for a while. I usually go without for a year or more.

  11. Could be worse... my punctuation is so erratic that if I have more stress than "do I wear slacks or jeans?" it goes totally out of whack....
