
A Day In The Life...

Conversation between my son and I as we were leaving the Optical Store after picking up his new pair of glasses...

Aaron- "Do I look cool or like a dork in these Mom?"

Me - "Like a dork... definitely a dork."

Aaron - "Thanks"

Me - "Not a problem."


  1. Ha!

    He looks quite handsome in them. Girl, you are going to have your hands full(er) in a few years.

  2. mamdb.. Ditto
    Cris he looks just like you..

  3. No, no, it's reverse psychology. Because she's his mom, if she says he looks cool he'll think he looks like a dork. If she says he looks like a dork, he might actually think he looks cool in them. :-p

  4. I think he looks very handsome.

    But I'm sure that's just what he doesn't want to hear from an old lady like me.

  5. What a cutie! You mean ol' mama. :P

  6. He is going to be in therapy until he is 50! Look what happened to me! ROFLMAO! He looks good though - tell him to get round glasses with tortoise shell frames - he will look very cool.

    I got my glasses in 8th grade and threw them under a bus and tried to tell my mother they had been stolen.

  7. No! Johnny Dep glasses - exchange them for Johnny Dep glasses.

  8. He is too cute for his own good. We already have girls hanging around the house giggling at him. He is not at the age where he notices them yet, thank God! He would much rather play "army guy" in the back creek.
    I do have a plan for how good lookin' he is... I need to ugly him up. The glasses were the first step, next we will look into braces, and then only buy him pants that are too short and insist that he wears white tube socks with dress shoes and a pocket protector. Yeah... he needs to stay good and ugly until he graduates college.

  9. Make sure he wears his scapular too, Cris. Always helps.

    My seven-year-old just got glasses and hates 'em. I need some of your skills.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. He's a bit of both.. he's adorkable!

  12. I'm with you! Uglify him until he is 25! But your plans don't sound complete. What about those baby blues? And that shadow of a dimple? Girls love those! And the glasses will work against you as he gets older because older girls love smart guys! Back to the drawing board, Mom!

  13. He's not dorkie! He's my Grand nephew and we don't have any dorks in the whole fam damily! (Except on the in-law side) He could be a male model for kid eyewear, but don't let anyone talk you into it! Hee hee!
    Aunt Barbara
