
Theology 101

My son was talking to me about Purgatory this afternoon and after some time of me doing my best to explain it he finally said:

"So basically, it is like you are really really hungry and you can see the sandwich but you can't reach it to eat it."

I could not have said it better myself.


  1. Perceptive little man, isn't he?
    Great blog!!!
    Found you through DC Metro Mamas!
    - Audrey
    Pinks & Blues

  2. So basically Purgatory is like the Greek Hell: there's Sisyphus who's condemned to roll the stone uphill, and every time he gets close it gets away and rolls back down, and there's Tantalus, who can see the fruit but every time he reaches for it it pulls out of his reach...

    Your son's a smart cookie.

  3. So basically, it is like you are really really hungry and you can see the sandwich but you can't reach it to eat it.....YET.

    That "yet" is very important in the lesson, because eventually you WILL get that sandwich, which is why we are HAPPY about reaching Purgatory. Hell, on the other hand, would be seeing that sandwich and knowing that you will NEVER be able to reach it.

    Great blog, you are a hoot!

  4. Your son sounds like he has the makings of a damn fine theologian. :-)

  5. What a great way to say it! You got yourself a bright one there!
