
A Message From Our Sponsors...

On Wednesday I drove from DC to Hotlanta. The kids survived and there no little to no bloodshed. Success!

Yesterday I drove from Hotlanta to Montgomery AlaBAMA with just my youngest two and Steffie, our crazy senior citizen friend. The 3 hour trip took over 5 hours because of all of the stops for potty and snacks...

It is hell traveling with a person over the age of 60!


  1. I can call you neighbor for a little while now!

    While you are here in the Beautiful Heart of Dixie, you are required to choose sides...

    Auburn or that other school

    Here's a hint: Yell "War Eagle" and you'll be my friend forever.

  2. I hate traveling with the hubs and all his bathroom breaks! Geez! Have a safe trip!

  3. I'm thinking of National Lampoon's Family Vacation. LOL!

  4. We miss you...hurry back !

  5. What? No comments allowed on the spectacular Cowboy's win against da Bears? Not fair!!!!
    Hey, I'm just thankful that Romo got to rest up a little at the end of the game. We appreciate that!

  6. For Pete's Sake WOMEN, get back to work. We're stressing out here at work and your providing us absolutely no comic relief. Maybe you should consider a guest writer when your out galavanting the country side. At least Lettermen and Leno have guest hosts when they take vaca!

    Hope the 'fam' was well!

  7. WE NEED an update. Hopefully you are note just sitting home eating thos turtle supreme bars and watching your site meter go up as we check back multiple times per day.
    Quit teasing us -- pictures of football guys are not a posts unless I guess if you are a bears fan.
    Hope all is well and call Lori to give her the flippin' update!!!!

  8. You people are as bad as my children! I will post tonight I promise... but the pressure to be witty and entertaining is enough to drive a woman to drink, and I already drink so where am I supposed to turn? To porn? Oh goodness.

    Now, stop pulling on my pant leg and saying "MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM"

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