
Homesteading Today and Ann Coulter?

I have a question... I just checked my site meter and apparently I did or said something that made it onto some Homesteading Today site and the Ann Coulter Chat. I cannot get on either (well, I can get onto the sites, but I am not good enough to be allowed to view anything. Whatever! Site Snobs!) so I am curious as to what they actually are and if my husband went ahead and sold those nude pictures of me that he swore he was going to delete off of the digital camera.

I have had over 100 of you pop into my blog from those sites just today so fill me in on the brilliancy of this blog that is attracting such a flurry of homesteaders and Ann Coulter Chatters.

I feel like people are talking about me and I can't hear what they are saying!! It is driving me nuts... and if I have spinach in my teeth, please tell me.


  1. actually one of the posters there liked your blog and thought it was very funny so he linked it on a thread.

  2. Not as exciting as pictures, but pretty good anyway.

  3. You can thank Chestertonian for linking your blog to us at Ann Coulter. (All you have to do is register, and you can read anything on the forums) Come join us, there's some pretty smart people there. You'd fit right in. :)

  4. And we need more Catholics, especially ones like us, who view the world through the bottom of a beer glass. :-)

  5. Ahhh Chestertonian... or as I like to call you, "My Irish Friend Sean Patrick Daily" I should get you a gift. Do you like cereal? We have loads of uneaten cereal around here!

  6. We definitely need more Irish Catholic women on that forum. :)
