
My Husband is a Big Tease...

Last night I wanted to go out to dinner... without any children. I was happy...nay, EXCITED about the prospect of eating without cutting anyone's meat, holding a crying infant, wiping up spilled liquid from the table and threatening bodily harm on little people if they did not stop arguing about who had more mashed potatoes!

I showered and got ready for Saturday night Mass. After Mass we hurried home so that I could feed Mary Claire and rock her to sleep all the whilst praying that her new routine of going to bed early and sleeping through all household nightly sounds (like siblings fighting over who gets to use the sink to brush their teeth first or one pounding on the bathroom door while another yells "I'M GOING POOP!", or a 4 year old throwing a tantrum because the sky is blue... those type of nightly sounds).

After Mary Claire was happily asleep and I had kissed her my allotted 100 times before laying her down, I went downstairs and again threatened my children with groundings and no TV and no computer and no friends ever again, if they even walked upstairs and woke their sister up.

I put in a new DVD and gave our oldest charge of the house.

I skipped happily to the car and turned to my husband to see just where he thought we should go to dinner. I was envisioning Carraba's or Outback Steakhouse as I have been on this stupid DIEt now for a week and have eaten basically twigs and berries... I was going to give myself a reward for being so good. My mouth was watering with anticipation since it has been well over 3 months since we have gone out to eat to a restaurant where other people serve you and you don't have to throw away your own trash.

My husband took me to Quiznos. Yes... Quiznos.

I guess it is better than McDonalds.

*Big Sigh* What a waste of a bra and mascara!


  1. Better than McDonald's OR Taco Bell!


  2. OH NO HE DIDN'T!! I would have been mad too!

  3. THAT IS NOT A RESTAURANT. I think ( I know) that I would have wanted something a little nicer.

    you did get some time away which I am sure was greatly needed.

    He needs to upgrade the date place next time ;)

  4. Better than some choices- at least it wasn't a drive through!

    Thanks for your Mass Readings link on the sidebar- I added it to my blog too.

    I can't remember if I've left you a comment before... but I think I found you through Toni's blog- you're a great read!

  5. Yes, you deserve a much better place!Maybe next time!

  6. Why am I not surprised. Isn't that like across the street! Please tell me he didn't use a coupon. Hey tell Carl tons of rain here, we really needed it things were starting to get pretty brown.

  7. At least you didn't have to share your crispy warm sandwich with anyone. Right?

  8. The boys and I ate at Quiznos for the first time ever while on vacation- yummy and $$$$!

  9. Geez, and then people ask why the divorce rate is so high.... *rolls eyes*
