
Brownies and Pop Tarts and Potato Chips Oh My...

Between you and me... I will do much better at this diet when I finish eating all of these pop tarts and brownies in the house. Then and only then will I not be tempted.


  1. i've said that OH so many times...will power must be a great thing...

    i apparently have NONE

  2. Just skip the meal and do the snacks (while you have them).

    Last night I had the last of the ice cream for dinner.

  3. Oh I understand- I have been on an evil diet since April- and I was pretty good for a while- but lately I have NO will power.

    I am just waiting for the weight to come back.

  4. No. The only way to over come temptation from brownies and pop tarts is to eat them every day at every meal for a month straight. Then you will lose all desire to consume them again.

    It worked for ramen noodles. I haven't touched them since my poverty riddled days of college.
