
DONT MOVE! The Baby Is Sleeping...

I have always had my babies sleep in the same room as me for the first few months. The first few weeks they sleep with me/on top of me, because it is easier to nurse them every few hours with them snuggled right under my chin. After some time they go into the little crib that we have in our room. This is nice because I will actually go into a deep sleep and not have to worry about my husband rolling over on the baby anymore.

I worry about this because when my husband is asleep he thinks that he is the only person in the world who is asleep so he can move, make noise, and snore as often and as loudly as he would like.

Mary Claire is now in the little crib in our room because she is a PHENOMENAL sleeper. I am knocking on wood as I type here and I do not want any of you moms who have children who do not sleep cursing me right now. I have paid my dues long enough with sleepless nights and wide awake children--years and years, so just give me my kudos and leave me alone!

Anyway, there is a certain "awareness" to sleeping with a baby in the same room. I hear every sigh, I listen when she scrunches around under her blanket, I hold my breath when I hear her little oohs and ahhhs, and I lay perfectly still when my spidey instincts tell me that her little eyes are open. I lay still and hold my breath. I lay still and hold my breath and say a prayer. I lay still, hold my breath, say a prayer, and get an itch on my nose-but I will not scratch it because if I make one false move I know she will wake up.

My husband on the other hand does not follow this course of action when it comes to hearing the baby move around. No, he forgets that there is baby in the room all together. He thinks that someone is disrupting HIS sleep time and therefore he moans, he kicks his legs back and forth and he stretches making that "EEEeeeeeeee" stretching sound. I want to shake him, but I am playing possum and not making one false move.

Last night Mary Claire slept from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. She gets a gold star and tons of kisses from me as I have been awarded mother of the year today and have returned to the land of sleep filled nights and no more hag bags under my eyes. Ahhhhhhh. My husband woke up, stretched, yawned, farted, stretched some more and turned to me and said "Did she have a good night?"

Amazingly, in spite of his stretches, yawns, moans, and farts, she was able to sleep. She'll have no problems fitting into this family~God help her.


  1. Timely post! Tonight marks the night of our baby relocation program...she's getting moved out of our room into her own room. We're tired of not being able to flush or move or sneeze...

  2. I know exactly what you are saying. MEN are VERY NOISY. I have done the 5 babies in the room and would always marvel at how my husband would wake up the next day and say something like ... "wow, did the baby sleep through?" NONE of my babies slept through the night until 10 months old. The last one felt the need to make it a record 14 months just to "be different".

    I am glad that you have a beautiful sleeping beauty.

  3. Lucky you with the sleeping baby! (I hope you didn't jinx yourself!)

    I swear, men can sleep through anything. What's up with that?

  4. I haven't actually slept in 12 years, 8 months, and 30 days. I'm so happy for you, but I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about! (P.S. I actually counted one, extra day to my daughter's b-day because I didn't sleep the night before she was born, I was in labor.

  5. I hear every smack of their lips as they're sleeping and my husband doesn't even hear the telephone ringing when he's asleep. It must be a hormone we get as moms...

  6. Glad she is a great sleeper! Luke was/is too! David- not so much, there is a reason there is an 8 year span between them. Took me a long time to recoup!
