
Date Prince Harry... Marry Prince William

Back when I was in college, we used to have a saying... "Date an ATO, marry a FIJI." These were two fraternities at the neighboring University (I went to an all-girl college, and there was an all-male university just across town.) The ATO fellas were known for their parties and fear of commitment. The FIJI guys were known for their long term relationship status among the women of our college (my older sister married a FIJI).

When I was watching Matt Lauer's interview with Prince Will and Harry, I realized that these two were a lot like ATO and FIJI. Harry is a party boy who I am sure is a blast to have as a friend and the stories and adventures you could tell by having a tryst with him would be on legendary status I am sure, but Will is the more stable of the two, and lets face it... he is going to be King one day.

Today I read that it is William's 25th birthday and he has received his inheritance from his mother. He is also of the age where he no longer would have to seek out his Grandmother's approval of whom he chooses to marry, putting good ol' American girls in the running.

So, June Cleaver advice to all of you single ladies out there... Harry would be fun-but Will is now independently wealthy, and he is going to be KING! Chose wisely ladies.


  1. I saw that interview and thought the same thing. Prince Harry seemed so fun and personable. Both boys (men) are great looking and TALL!

    I will admit that I would rather not chose the KING. That is way too much pressure for me. I would be quite satisfied with just "knowing" the KING ;)

  2. hmmm i think i'd better move to london! let's not forget that will is oh so much cuter!

  3. I have to agree with you- Will is much better looking- but Harry seems to be more fun. Good thing for them that I'm taken, eh??

  4. Let's see....

    Guy with flat stomach

    Lots of money

    And a crown

    Oh, I'm all over that.

  5. Hmm...

    Will is better looking, more stable, and closer to my age.

    However, having finally entered the Church, I would be most miffed if my husband took on the title of Defender of the (Anglican) Faith. I think I'd better stick with my sweet, bald, stable Canuck.

    ...of course, maybe Will would convert to Catholicism and we could take back England... ;-)

  6. Harry is a super hunk. He looks dangerous and naughty (in a good way) and he won't ever look as dorky as his father...on the other hand, Wil used to be so cute, but I think he's gettin' his dad's...awkward teeth, goofy jaw thing when he talks. Plus, he looks too much like Princess Di and that's sort of creepy.

  7. These boys should be illegal. Egads, here I am a 30 something mother of 5 thinking which one would I rather... u-hm, marry.
    They are such an occasion to sin, I just think I need to walk away.
    Plus, I would totally (fer sure) pick William. Harry is cute and all but really... look at that William! God bless 'em!

  8. Harry is SO sexy. I want to have sex with him!
