
Are You Talkin' To Me? ARE YOU TALKIN' TO ME?

I am Catholic. I love being Catholic. I am VERY Catholic... meaning that I follow all the rules.

That being said, I received this comment today from my Does This Cyst Make My Butt Look Big? post. It said:

"I understand that you may be making light of this situation but I truly hope that you realize that birth control is a Grave Sin and as Catholics, we should always be open to life."

This comment was posted by "Kevin" and I must say Kevin that I take great offense to the fact that you think you can leave such a comment on my blog. Obviously you have not read much of June Cleaver and I am assuming that you were the Google searcher for the "Butt Cyst" that lead you to my blog in the first place. I personally am thrilled that the search engine would pop up my blog when a person is looking for information on butt cysts, or sore nipples, or alcoholism-also known as "being Irish," but I have to let you know that I cannot stand people who make comments such as these (which by the way, to set the record straight... I HAVE 4 KIDS-I OBVIOUSLY AM OPEN TO LIFE!) who think they are better, or know more, or are closer to heaven than the rest of us... or at least than me.

A few years back at my cousin Dave's wedding (who married a beautiful girl named Shane who reads my blog and Dave is also the son to my Aunt Barb who reads my blog) my Uncle Chuck (who is the father to my cousin Steve who reads my blog and is Mary Claire's Godfather) was telling me a joke. When he was finished, instead of laughing I tried to explain to my Uncle the crudeness of this joke. He looked at me and said "Oh you are just like your mother! Lighten up!" He was right! I needed to lighten up and laugh. By the way, my mother does not read my blog... she doesn't have Internet, we are thrilled that she recently got indoor plumbing though-you are moving up mom!

So lighten up Francis (or Kevin in this case)... it is a blog-a blog on butt cysts!

And another thing... YOU ARE A DUDE! Who are you to be talking to me about birth control? That is between my husband and me and you should be ashamed of yourself for commenting on a woman's blog about such things. The nerve! You need to go to confession.


Biddy said...

you go girl! what a jerk!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand people that can't take a joke. Kevin - Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm just a lurker here...most time I laugh myself silly when I read your blogs. BUT this one made me wonder. What is wrong with not laughing at a crude joke? Why does that constitute someone calling me (or Kevin, or you) holier than thou? Calling Kevin a jerk is so sophomoric. So? His post was about the catholic position on birth control. So? What's wrong with a little reminder every now and again, Uh? You never know until you walk in someone else's shoes. I am sorry to see that you could n ot just let it go. But I will continue to read your blog cause your so freakin funny.

june cleaver said...

For the record: I never called Kevin a jerk. I even explained that I have the same view on birth control as he did.

He was hoping that I "realized" that birth control is a grave sin.

I never mentioned contraception in the original "cyst" post. If anything I was referring to abstinence and as far as I know, that is not a sin.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. I was refering to the first comment, not to you. We all make up the Body of Christ and there can't be two ass holes, you know what I mean ;)

Lady Tramaine said...

Well said June!!!

Special K ~Toni said...

Go Cris!

So when should we expect #5?

I kid, I kid!

Kasia said...

Hmm...I'm trying to calculate the answer to Toni's question...

Probably about 9 1/2 months after she stops breastfeeding and is able to drink heavily again. Depending, of course, on when her next ovulation cycle is relative to when she stops breastfeeding...

I'm totally kidding, Cris - don't bring out the fightin' Irish blood! :-)

Biddy said...

"there can't be two assholes" hmm guess that makes me the asshole! sorry, but i still believe he was a jerk in the execution of his comment.

june cleaver said...

Oh now Biddy... not to worry. Why is everyone using such foul language on my comments? Don't you know I am a Catholic damnit!

Kitchen Madonna said...

Shit, I'm Catholic too!

Anonymous said...

I hate when people leave such BS comments! If you don't like what a blog says - don't read it.

Butt cysts...haha