
First Comes Love, Then Comes Mooning...

Our children go through so many milestones in their lives. It is always special when we are with them and get to witness one of these important growing moments. If we are not present when amazing things happen, it is always touching when we get to hear all about it from them.

Today in the car my oldest daughter shared with me a milestone. It was an incredible moment and I am so happy that she felt that she could share such things with me.

Yesterday at her softball game she received her first moon from a boy.

It seems she was coming out of the port-a-potty when 3 boys her age rode by on their bikes. One obviously took an interest in her and decided to turn his bike around and ride past her again--only this time he had pulled down his britches in order to profess his adoration for her by showing her his 12 year old butt.

She was thoroughly disgusted... thank God! Back when I was a kid, these were the kinds of boys I was drawn to. I cannot tell you how happy I am that she thinks his behavior was "one of the worse memories of her life thus far!" Wow-for her to say that this is one of her worse memories "thus far" I have to say that I must be a pretty darn good mom, I mean, if her worst memory is that of another person's butt being put on display for her viewing pleasure, then she has completely forgiven me for all of those embarrassing things that I do to her on a daily basis. Phew!


  1. Sweet moment.
    And one that you'll remind her about when she has kids!

  2. My kid mooned Chicago, one of the highlights of my parenting career for sure.

  3. Hello Cris,

    Oh yeah thats the sweet moment of parenthood...

    I am new here, came across to your blog while was searching for parenting blogs...just wanted to say hi first then start my journey here...

