
Chatter to Fill Your Day...

Last night while watching American Idol, a Victoria's Secret commercial kept coming on with a girl who was so tiny I couldn't recall looking like that since I was in 4th grade! I turned to my son and said "Son, close your eyes! Real women don't look like that." To which my sister responded, "Yeah, except for your mom and me when we are not pregnant." HA!


After Chris Robinson was voted off American Idol my oldest daughter started to cry and declared she would NEVER watch this show again! Poor kid. I on the other hand ripped off my bra and threw it at the television set when Bon Jovi was performing! WoooHoooo!


My husband has been looking at me and simply shaking his head since we returned from the Doc without going into labor. He feels I did not lie enough, or rather that I was not convincing enough when lying. I decided that I had had enough and declared that it was HIS fault we are still pregnant... seeing as he has been lax in certain "stimulation" duties. This backfired on me because he was 100% willing to stimulate ANYTHING last night, and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. How do men succeed at turning around a situation to be OUR fault so perfectly? I bet they go to a secret "How to make you wife think she is crazy and then blame it on her" class.


Talking to my older sister yesterday, we somehow got on the topic of in-laws. Not ours, but the daughter-in-laws we will one day have when our sons marry. It was one of those future conversations... the kind that drive my husband crazy until he tells me that I am thinking too much (my husband doesn't like me to think).
My sister is hoping that her daughter-in-laws will like her. Then she said to me "Because there are people in the world that do not like me." You have to know my sister to know that there is NO ONE in this world that could not like her. She is the sweetest, kindest person I know. She is genuine and trustworthy. She is honest and faithful. The thought of someone not liking my sister is very distressing to her. I on the other hand replied, "Yeah, well I know that there are people who do not like me... and I don't give a shit." That may just be my problem.


  1. I have the same problem as you. Don't give a shit, I am who I am!

  2. I don't see the problem at all. If somebody doesn't like my attitude, they can go elsewhere.

  3. I wonder about the future DILs too. Because there is such a pattern of tension between mothers and DIL's. I vow NOT to repeat my IL's behavior.

  4. Bon Jovi! I missed Bon Jovi! Damn. That would have been worth watching American Idol!

  5. I hope that baby comes soon. I remember that exploding feeling all too well.

    Good luck with the delivery!

  6. I am convinced that there are two different kinds of women, those who just please or try to please everyone, and those who (like me and you) make no apologies for who they are. That's just the way it is and I don't see how either way is better. I like being this way and they like being that way. (our way is SUPER more fun, though-I'd just like to point that out) I'd like to be that way sometimes (niceynicey to the point of even agreeing with someone even if you don't agree just to keep the peace) and I'd wager they'd like to be like us sometimes (cantankerous old gals with a lot of sass and too much honesty without any guard on their mouths) and it's funny how both types usually end up friends with each other and love each other despite their differences. It's a beautiful world, isn't it?

  7. ...and Bon Jovi is H. O. T. hot! Almost as hot as a woman in labor, but not quite.
