
One Day I Hope You Have A Child JUST LIKE YOU!

My mom says that I say things to my kids that she would have never said to us. Now, I don't know what happens when you get old (my Mom turned 64 yesterday) but I believe my mother is going through some sort of "selective remembering" thing. I grew up in her house... my upbringing is the source to who I am, how I live my life, and yes, how I discipline my children. Now, my mom says I am more vocal and open with my kids--well, I remember my mom being pretty darn vocal with me! A few great quotes I remember are:

  1. "When I was a kid, my mother used to tell my brother that she hoped he would one day have a child just like him... and somehow I got that kid!" This is my mother speaking to me when she was close to losing her cool.
  2. "Just don't tell anyone you are my child!" This is when I was heading out the door to the bus when I was in elementary school and I apparently did not brush my hair/brush my teeth/wash my face... and so on. I remember thinking "Well who's kid will they think I am? Everyone knows you are my mom-duh!"
  3. "Shit! Shit!Shit!" That was my mom's favorite word when I was a kid.
  4. "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" That was the term she used to let me know that I had better leave the room and quick because she was about go postal on me. This usually made me giggle at her, which in turn got me a smack on the rear.

I can go on, but I don't want you to think that my mom was a yeller (she was) like I am. Some days I say something to my children and I think "I sound just like my mother!" My mom was always funny when we were kids. She loved to dance in the kitchen and she always sang the song "Bushel and a Peck" by Soupy Sales to us. She also single handedly potty trained my little sister in 3 days. My older sister and I were locked out of the house for the entire three days (she just threw food out the door at us) I remember watching through our screen door with my mom yelling "GO GO GO!"and clapping her hands behind my sister while Claire ran to the bathroom crying. To this day my sister can't pee without weeping-but my mom gave it her all I tell ya!

The most profound memory I have of my childhood-and I like to remind my mother of this every chance I get-is the day that my mom was laying on the couch and asked me to retrieve her book for her. My mom loves to read, and apparently she loved to lay on the couch as well! She also locked us out of the house... but that is another story for another time. Anyway, She asked me to get her book and I complained and whined about having to stop what I was doing (which I am sure was something important like watching Woody Woodpecker) and stomped the entire way to get her book. (I am also sure that this book was something by Dr. Spock, who I always thought was the guy on Star Trek, but apparently he was a child-expert.) When I came back with her book she sat up and gave me a kiss and a hug and said "That is for doing this chore for me" and then she slapped me across my face and said "and that is for complaining about it!" I stood stunned!

As a mom myself, I think that lesson is classic! We read in so many child books how to raise our children, but as for me, my mom taught me how to raise kids-with sarcasm, love, honesty, and the ability to scream loud enough to get your point across--but not loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

I call my mom when I am at my wits end with my kids and she listens quietly and offers bits and pieces of sound advice or Biblical quotes. She isn't fooling me though... I know she hangs up the phone and says "HA HA! I don't feel sorry for you one bit!"

Thanks mom~


  1. I know that this was meant to be funny but true type of thing, Cris...but I am touched that you remember stuff like that about your mom...I have very little memories of anything my mother did -- she was very passive toward me -- I don't remember her scolding, yelling or correcting me -- but I also don't remember her holding me or consoling me or loving me up either....

    the world revolved around my dad

  2. Ever read the great santini? Pat Conroy?

    Tim Conroy (Pat's brother)went to grade school with me and and Mrs. Conroy was a friend of my mom's - she was also my sponsor at Confirmation...


  3. I totally relate, that must be why you remind me of me...same type of moms. I could go on and on about HER but she reads my blog now and that would be mean. Please go to my blog today and read my prayer request?

  4. What is it with moms developing selective memory after they turn 60? My mom has no recollection of any of the things my sister and I remember...

  5. Kasia-I have to admit that sometimes my kids will say "remember the time you..." and I have no recollection of what they are talking about! It is decided, kids just suck all the brain capacity you have!

  6. when I was about 15 my mother was so embarrassed by me that she used to ask me to walk behind her when we were out together! She loves me really, I just know it!

  7. I do the "God Bless America" thing, to try to turn an almost blasphemy into some patriotic expressions of irritation. Do you think God is fooled?
