
Babies and Marines

Today I had a Doctor's appointment out at Bethesda Naval Hospital... also known as "the President's Hospital." I left at 7am for my 9am appointment because after all, we do live in DC and traffic moves at the pace of a glacier in the morning hours. Can anyone please tell me why people do not just put their foot on the gas and GO? Anyway... while I was there I had all kinds of tests done-my glucose screen (which I FAILED) and such. The nurse was talking about ultrasounds-but I already had mine weeks ago so I did not have to schedule one. That was a good thing apparently because the radiology department is so booked because of all of the injured Marines from Iraq that are at Bethesda recovering. I sat and thought of all the Marines who were in the same building as me-who had risked their lives for innocent people.

I was enormously proud at that moment to be an American. So many people say that we should just mind our own business, but how can I possibly say that to a Marine who was recovering in the floors above me. We are a Christian Nation-it is our duty to defend those who cannot do so. I think of the strong Marines at this hospital, and then I think of my fragile precious infant that will be born there. I cannot think of a better place to be-surrounded by strength and courage. Surrounded by those who saw need in others and stood to defend them. To be surrounded by all of the guardian angels of those Marines... it is a good place to have a baby.

Babies represent new life. Marines represent protection. I have been so nervous about giving birth with this baby--because I know how much it is going to hurt. Today, as I left the hospital I felt calm. I am an American-my baby is an American, and she will be protected by all means by our Military when push comes to shove. She will be free-because of those who have fought for her freedom.

I pray all of the Marines at Bethesda can have a little less pain the day that I deliver... I pray I can offer up my pain for theirs and that they may somehow feel comforted knowing that this American mom, this military wife, is ever so grateful for all that they have done. God Bless them all~


  1. Yes ma'am...God bless all our service folks. Don't know where I've been, but it has only been lately that I noticed you are going to be having a baby! When is your little one due if I may ask?

  2. Suzanne,

    May 3 is the due date~a little girl. We thought we were done... I guess God thought differently!

  3. Blessings to you and yours as you await the little one.Thank you for posting this patriotic post. I feel the same way. And God bless the president!

  4. Boo yeah! My birthday is May 4th! Boo yeah!

    Beautiful post.

  5. Cris,
    Guess He had other ideas! :)
    Congratulations. I had a May baby...Teresa...May 14th. It is nice to have a baby around the time of Mother's Day. :)
    I don't think this girl can have anymore, although menopause is not completed! Still, I look at ALOT of babies and I try to hold them whenever I can...I don't ever want to get bitter about the time being done and this helps a great deal. I
    advise any woman who had reached her time for not having more children to do this...the babies snuggle just the same! :)

  6. I have seven children. When people ask me, " How many kids do you want, anyway?" I answer, "Three". Seriously, when God is in charge you get way more than you bargained for. And yes, more work and fatigue, but way more love and joy and the feeling of how close eternity is. With each new baby that wasn't my idea, I am amazed at the expansion of my love and my understanding of God. I guess he really does know what he is doing!

  7. It is good to know that the heart keeps growing with each child Mary... I was in serious denial for a long time with this pregnancy--about 6 months! Now I can no longer hide is and I have formed that mothering bond with this little one... I could not imagine life, or our family without this new addition any longer...
    Now I just pray that she will love to sleep!

  8. I just sat up a little straighter after reading this post! You ARE lucky to be in the presence of such bravery and protection. God bless our military and our expectant mothers!

  9. This Marine vet says *sniff* and thank you.
